Translating genomic advances into biodiversity conservation

CJ Hogg - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2024 -
A key action of the new Global Biodiversity Framework is the maintenance of genetic
diversity in all species to safeguard their adaptive potential. To achieve this goal, a …

The nature of science: The fundamental role of natural history in ecology, evolution, conservation, and education

K Nanglu, D de Carle, TM Cullen… - Ecology and …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
There is a contemporary trend in many major research institutions to de‐emphasize the
importance of natural history education in favor of theoretical, laboratory, or simulation …

Century-old chromatin architecture revealed in formalin-fixed vertebrates

EE Hahn, J Stiller, MR Alexander, A Grealy… - Nature …, 2024 -
Gene expression is regulated by changes in chromatin architecture intrinsic to cellular
differentiation and as an active response to environmental stimuli. Chromatin dynamics are …

Assessing the utility of marine filter feeders for environmental DNA (eDNA) biodiversity monitoring

GJ Jeunen, JS Cane, S Ferreira… - Molecular ecology …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Aquatic environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys are transforming how marine ecosystems are
monitored. The time‐consuming preprocessing step of active filtration, however, remains a …

An evaluation of DNA extraction methods on historical and roadkill mammalian specimen

N Molbert, HR Ghanavi, T Johansson, M Mostadius… - Scientific Reports, 2023 -
Guidelines identifying appropriate DNA extraction methods for both museum and modern
biological samples are scarce or non-existent for mammalian species. Yet, obtaining large …


C Lalueza-Fox - Current Biology, 2022 -
Museo-what? Museomics! Museomics is emerging as a distinct discipline from ancient DNA
research and involves natural history museums and herbaria across the world. Museomics …

Taxonomic identification of two poorly known lantern shark species based on mitochondrial DNA from wet-collection paratypes

S Agne, GJP Naylor, M Preick, L Yang… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2022 -
Etmopteridae (lantern sharks) is the most species-rich family of sharks, comprising more
than 50 species. Many species are described from few individuals, and re-collection of …

Simultaneous barcode sequencing of diverse museum collection specimens using a mixed RNA bait set

S Agne, M Preick, N Straube… - Frontiers in Ecology and …, 2022 -
A growing number of publications presenting results from sequencing natural history
collection specimens reflect the importance of DNA sequence information from such …

Unlocking Antarctic molecular time‐capsules–Recovering historical environmental DNA from museum‐preserved sponges

GJ Jeunen, S Mills, M Lamare, GA Duffy… - Molecular ecology …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Marine sponges have recently emerged as efficient natural environmental DNA (eDNA)
samplers. The ability of sponges to accumulate eDNA provides an exciting opportunity to …

Australia's hidden radiation: Phylogenomics analysis reveals rapid Miocene radiation of blindsnakes

S Tiatragul, IG Brennan, ES Broady… - Molecular Phylogenetics …, 2023 - Elsevier
Snakes represent one of the most successful vertebrates groups with a global radiation of∼
4000 extant species (McDiarmid et al., 1999, Uetz et al., 2021). Recent advances in …