Global Warming's Six Americas: a review and recommendations for climate change communication
Highlights•A review of research on Global Warming's Six Americas since 2008.•Audience
segmentation can advance communication theory and practice.•The Six Americas …
segmentation can advance communication theory and practice.•The Six Americas …
What do people know about key environmental issues? A review of environmental knowledge surveys
B Robelia, T Murphy - Environmental Education Research, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents results from 15 little publicized state and national environmental
surveys in the US that used similar questions. Our analysis reveals trends in adult …
surveys in the US that used similar questions. Our analysis reveals trends in adult …
Why trust science?
N Oreskes - 2021 - torrossa.com
These questions could hardly be more timely or impor tant. As extreme weather events
become more common, sea levels rise, and climate-induced migrations flow across borders …
become more common, sea levels rise, and climate-induced migrations flow across borders …
[HTML][HTML] What triggers climate action: The impact of a climate change education program on students' climate literacy and their willingness to act
M Kolenatý, R Kroufek, J Činčera - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
There has been an intensive debate in the field of climate change education about what
predictors influence youth's climate-related behavior and what educational strategies and …
predictors influence youth's climate-related behavior and what educational strategies and …
[HTML][HTML] Spanish university students' awareness and perception of sustainable development goals and sustainability literacy
The implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the
United Nations in 2015 focuses on making a more sustainable world in all countries and for …
United Nations in 2015 focuses on making a more sustainable world in all countries and for …
The social-psychological determinants of climate change risk perceptions: Towards a comprehensive model
S Van der Linden - Journal of environmental psychology, 2015 - Elsevier
This study advances a detailed social-psychological model of climate change risk
perceptions by combining and integrating cognitive, experiential, and socio-cultural factors …
perceptions by combining and integrating cognitive, experiential, and socio-cultural factors …
The information deficit model and climate change communication
B Suldovsky - Oxford research encyclopedia of climate science, 2017 - oxfordre.com
Many publics remain divided about the existence and consequences of anthropogenic
climate change despite scientific consensus. A popular approach to climate change …
climate change despite scientific consensus. A popular approach to climate change …
Climate of silence: Pluralistic ignorance as a barrier to climate change discussion
Despite the importance of interpersonal public communication about climate change, most
citizens rarely discuss the topic. In two studies, we find that inaccurate perceptions of others' …
citizens rarely discuss the topic. In two studies, we find that inaccurate perceptions of others' …
An attack on science? Media use, trust in scientists, and perceptions of global warming
There is a growing divide in how conservatives and liberals in the USA understand the issue
of global warming. Prior research suggests that the American public's reliance on partisan …
of global warming. Prior research suggests that the American public's reliance on partisan …
The curious case of climate change: Testing a theoretical model of epistemic beliefs, epistemic emotions, and complex learning
We propose a theoretical model linking students' epistemic beliefs, epistemic emotions,
learning strategies, and learning outcomes. The model was tested across two studies with …
learning strategies, and learning outcomes. The model was tested across two studies with …