Machine learning techniques for code smell detection: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Background: Code smells indicate suboptimal design or implementation choices in the
source code that often lead it to be more change-and fault-prone. Researchers defined …
source code that often lead it to be more change-and fault-prone. Researchers defined …
Predictive models in software engineering: Challenges and opportunities
Predictive models are one of the most important techniques that are widely applied in many
areas of software engineering. There have been a large number of primary studies that …
areas of software engineering. There have been a large number of primary studies that …
The impact of automated parameter optimization on defect prediction models
Defect prediction models-classifiers that identify defect-prone software modules-have
configurable parameters that control their characteristics (eg, the number of trees in a …
configurable parameters that control their characteristics (eg, the number of trees in a …
Fixminer: Mining relevant fix patterns for automated program repair
Patching is a common activity in software development. It is generally performed on a source
code base to address bugs or add new functionalities. In this context, given the recurrence of …
code base to address bugs or add new functionalities. In this context, given the recurrence of …
Studying just-in-time defect prediction using cross-project models
Unlike traditional defect prediction models that identify defect-prone modules, Just-In-Time
(JIT) defect prediction models identify defect-inducing changes. As such, JIT defect models …
(JIT) defect prediction models identify defect-inducing changes. As such, JIT defect models …
Topic modeling in software engineering research
Topic modeling using models such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a text mining
technique to extract human-readable semantic “topics”(ie, word clusters) from a corpus of …
technique to extract human-readable semantic “topics”(ie, word clusters) from a corpus of …
A survey on the use of topic models when mining software repositories
Researchers in software engineering have attempted to improve software development by
mining and analyzing software repositories. Since the majority of the software engineering …
mining and analyzing software repositories. Since the majority of the software engineering …
An empirical study of just-in-time defect prediction using cross-project models
Prior research suggests that predicting defect-inducing changes, ie, Just-In-Time (JIT) defect
prediction is a more practical alternative to traditional defect prediction techniques, providing …
prediction is a more practical alternative to traditional defect prediction techniques, providing …
iFixR: Bug report driven program repair
Issue tracking systems are commonly used in modern software development for collecting
feedback from users and developers. An ultimate automation target of software maintenance …
feedback from users and developers. An ultimate automation target of software maintenance …
Automated bug assignment: Ensemble-based machine learning in large scale industrial contexts
Bug report assignment is an important part of software maintenance. In particular, incorrect
assignments of bug reports to development teams can be very expensive in large software …
assignments of bug reports to development teams can be very expensive in large software …