Consequences of hybridization in mammals: A systematic review
Hybridization, defined as breeding between two distinct taxonomic units, can have an
important effect on the evolutionary patterns in cross-breeding taxa. Although interspecific …
important effect on the evolutionary patterns in cross-breeding taxa. Although interspecific …
The Quaternary record of fossil bats in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: Palaeobiogeographical changes and palaeoenvironmental implications
J Galán, JM López-García, G Cuenca-Bescós… - Palaeogeography …, 2024 - Elsevier
Bats are a highly diversified order of mammals found all over the world; however, their
population size and distribution are decreasing rapidly in Europe nowadays. The study of …
population size and distribution are decreasing rapidly in Europe nowadays. The study of …
Cryptic hybridization between the ancient lineages of Natterer's bat (Myotis nattereri)
Studying hybrid zones that form between morphologically cryptic taxa offers valuable
insights into the mechanisms of cryptic speciation and the evolution of reproductive barriers …
insights into the mechanisms of cryptic speciation and the evolution of reproductive barriers …
Patterns of mtDNA introgression suggest population replacement in Palaearctic whiskered bat species
Secondary contacts can play a major role in the evolutionary histories of species. Various
taxa diverge in allopatry and later on come into secondary contact during range expansions …
taxa diverge in allopatry and later on come into secondary contact during range expansions …
Evolutionary relationships and population genetics of the Afrotropical leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae)
Abstract The Old World leaf-nosed bats (Hipposideridae) are aerial and gleaning
insectivores that occur throughout the Paleotropics. Both their taxonomic and phylogenetic …
insectivores that occur throughout the Paleotropics. Both their taxonomic and phylogenetic …
Implications of hybridization, NUMTs, and overlooked diversity for DNA barcoding of Eurasian ground squirrels
The utility of DNA Barcoding for species identification and discovery has catalyzed a
concerted effort to build the global reference library; however, many animal groups of …
concerted effort to build the global reference library; however, many animal groups of …
Reticulate evolutionary history of a Western Palaearctic Bat Complex explained by multiple mt DNA introgressions in secondary contacts
Aim There is an increasing evidence showing that species within various taxonomic groups
have reticulate evolutionary histories with several cases of introgression events …
have reticulate evolutionary histories with several cases of introgression events …
DNA barcoding and morphological analyses reveal a cryptic species of Miniopterusfrom India and Sri Lanka
The genus Miniopterus is a monophyletic assemblage of many species characterized by
remarkably conservative morphology. The number of recognized species has more than …
remarkably conservative morphology. The number of recognized species has more than …
Variation of parasitism patterns in bats during hibernation: the effect of host species, resources, health status, and hibernation period
T Postawa, Z Nagy - Parasitology Research, 2016 - Springer
During critical periods of food shortage or variable climatic conditions, the choice of an
appropriate host can increase the survival and reproductive performance of parasites. In …
appropriate host can increase the survival and reproductive performance of parasites. In …
Species limits and phylogeographic structure in two genera of solitary African mole-rats Georychus and Heliophobius
African mole-rats (Bathyergidae) are an intensively studied family of subterranean rodents
including three highly social and three solitary genera. Although their phylogenetic …
including three highly social and three solitary genera. Although their phylogenetic …