Graph stream algorithms: a survey
Over the last decade, there has been considerable interest in designing algorithms for
processing massive graphs in the data stream model. The original motivation was two-fold …
processing massive graphs in the data stream model. The original motivation was two-fold …
Beating two-thirds for random-order streaming matching
We study the maximum matching problem in the random-order semi-streaming setting. In
this problem, the edges of an arbitrary $ n $-vertex graph $ G=(V, E) $ arrive in a stream one …
this problem, the edges of an arbitrary $ n $-vertex graph $ G=(V, E) $ arrive in a stream one …
Sliding-window top-k queries on uncertain streams
Query processing on uncertain data streams has attracted a lot of attentions lately, due to the
imprecise nature in the data generated from a variety of streaming applications, such as …
imprecise nature in the data generated from a variety of streaming applications, such as …
Tight bounds for distributed functional monitoring
We resolve several fundamental questions in the area of distributed functional monitoring,
initiated by Cormode, Muthukrishnan, and Yi (SODA, 2008), and receiving recent attention …
initiated by Cormode, Muthukrishnan, and Yi (SODA, 2008), and receiving recent attention …
Distributed computation of large-scale graph problems
Motivated by the increasing need for fast distributed processing of large-scale graphs such
as the Web graph and various social networks, we study a number of fundamental graph …
as the Web graph and various social networks, we study a number of fundamental graph …
Graph streaming lower bounds for parameter estimation and property testing via a streaming XOR lemma
We study space-pass tradeoffs in graph streaming algorithms for parameter estimation and
property testing problems such as estimating the size of maximum matchings and maximum …
property testing problems such as estimating the size of maximum matchings and maximum …
Near-quadratic lower bounds for two-pass graph streaming algorithms
We prove that any two-pass graph streaming algorithm for the st reachability problem in n-
vertex directed graphs requires near-quadratic space of n 2-o (1) bits. As a corollary, we also …
vertex directed graphs requires near-quadratic space of n 2-o (1) bits. As a corollary, we also …
Multi-pass graph streaming lower bounds for cycle counting, max-cut, matching size, and other problems
Consider the following gap cycle counting problem in the streaming model: The edges of a 2-
regular n-vertex graph G are arriving one-by-one in a stream and we are promised that G is …
regular n-vertex graph G are arriving one-by-one in a stream and we are promised that G is …
Superlinear lower bounds for multipass graph processing
Abstract We prove n^ 1+\varOmega (1/p)/p^ O (1) n 1+ Ω (1/p)/p O (1) lower bounds for the
space complexity of p-pass streaming algorithms solving the following problems on n-vertex …
space complexity of p-pass streaming algorithms solving the following problems on n-vertex …
Better streaming algorithms for the maximum coverage problem
We study the classic NP-Hard problem of finding the maximum k-set coverage in the data
stream model: given a set system of m sets that are subsets of a universe 1,…, n {1,...,n\}, find …
stream model: given a set system of m sets that are subsets of a universe 1,…, n {1,...,n\}, find …