Extreme value theory and statistics of univariate extremes: a review

MI Gomes, A Guillou - International statistical review, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Statistical issues arising in modelling univariate extremes of a random sample have been
successfully used in the most diverse fields, such as biometrics, finance, insurance and risk …

Threshold detection for the generalized Pareto distribution: Review of representative methods and application to the NOAA NCDC daily rainfall database

A Langousis, A Mamalakis, M Puliga… - Water Resources …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
In extreme excess modeling, one fits a generalized Pareto (GP) distribution to rainfall
excesses above a properly selected threshold u. The latter is generally determined using …

An adjusted boxplot for skewed distributions

M Hubert, E Vandervieren - Computational statistics & data analysis, 2008 - Elsevier
The boxplot is a very popular graphical tool for visualizing the distribution of continuous
unimodal data. It shows information about the location, spread, skewness as well as the tails …

[PDF][PDF] Infinite mean models and the LDA for operational risk

J Nešlehová, P Embrechts… - Journal of Operational …, 2006 - people.math.ethz.ch
Due to published statistical analyses of operational risk data, methodological approaches to
the AMA modeling of operational risk can be discussed more in detail. In this paper we raise …

The harmonic moment tail index estimator: asymptotic distribution and robustness

J Beran, D Schell, M Stehlík - Annals of the Institute of Statistical …, 2014 - Springer
Asymptotic properties of the harmonic moment tail index Estimator are derived for
distributions with regularly varying tails. The estimator shows good robustness properties …

Evaluation of robust outlier detection methods for zero-inflated complex data

M Templ, J Gussenbauer… - Journal of Applied Statistics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Outlier detection can be seen as a pre-processing step for locating data points in a data
sample, which do not conform to the majority of observations. Various techniques and …

Estimation of social exclusion indicators from complex surveys: The R package laeken

A Alfons, M Templ - Journal of Statistical Software, 2013 - jstatsoft.org
Units sampled from finite populations typically come with different inclusion proba-bilities.
Together with additional preprocessing steps of the raw data, this yields unequal sampling …

A review of more than one hundred Pareto-tail index estimators

I Fedotenkov - Statistica, 2020 - rivista-statistica.unibo.it
Heavy-tailed distributions are often encountered in economics, finance, biology,
telecommunications, geology, etc. The heaviness of a tail is measured by a tail index …

On the favorable estimation for fitting heavy tailed data

M Stehlík, R Potocký, H Waldl, Z Fabián - Computational Statistics, 2010 - Springer
Assessment of heavy tailed data and its compound sums has many applications in
insurance, auditing and operational risk capital assessment among others. In this paper, we …

Robust estimation of economic indicators from survey samples based on Pareto tail modelling

A Alfons, M Templ, P Filzmoser - Journal of the Royal Statistical …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Motivated by a practical application, the paper investigates robust estimation of economic
indicators from survey samples based on a semiparametric Pareto tail model. Economic …