Quantum spin liquids
BACKGROUND Years ago, Lev Landau taught us how to think about distinct phases of
matter through an order parameter that characterizes the symmetry-broken state relative to …
matter through an order parameter that characterizes the symmetry-broken state relative to …
Experimental signatures of quantum and topological states in frustrated magnetism
Frustration in magnetic materials arising from competing exchange interactions can prevent
the system from adopting long-range magnetic order and can instead lead to a diverse …
the system from adopting long-range magnetic order and can instead lead to a diverse …
Proximate spin liquid and fractionalization in the triangular antiferromagnet KYbSe2
The Heisenberg triangular-lattice quantum spin liquid and its phase transitions to nearby
magnetic orders have received much theoretical attention, but clear experimental …
magnetic orders have received much theoretical attention, but clear experimental …
Evidence for quantum spin liquid behaviour in single-layer 1T-TaSe2 from scanning tunnelling microscopy
Two-dimensional triangular-lattice antiferromagnets are predicted under some conditions to
exhibit a quantum spin liquid ground state with no energy barrier to create emergent …
exhibit a quantum spin liquid ground state with no energy barrier to create emergent …
Continuous excitations of the triangular-lattice quantum spin liquid YbMgGaO4
A quantum spin liquid (QSL) is an exotic state of matter in which electrons' spins are
quantum entangled over long distances, but do not show magnetic order in the zero …
quantum entangled over long distances, but do not show magnetic order in the zero …
Field-tunable quantum disordered ground state in the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet NaYbO2
Abstract Antiferromagnetically coupled S= 1/2 spins on an isotropic triangular lattice are the
paradigm of frustrated quantum magnetism, but structurally ideal realizations are rare. Here …
paradigm of frustrated quantum magnetism, but structurally ideal realizations are rare. Here …
Valence Bonds in Random Quantum Magnets: Theory and Application to
We analyze the effect of quenched disorder on spin-1/2 quantum magnets in which
magnetic frustration promotes the formation of local singlets. Our results include a theory for …
magnetic frustration promotes the formation of local singlets. Our results include a theory for …
Disorder-Induced Mimicry of a Spin Liquid in
We suggest that a randomization of the pseudodipolar interaction in the spin-orbit-generated
low-energy Hamiltonian of YbMgGaO 4 due to an inhomogeneous charge environment from …
low-energy Hamiltonian of YbMgGaO 4 due to an inhomogeneous charge environment from …
Experimental identification of quantum spin liquids
In condensed matter physics there is a novel phase termed 'quantum spin liquid', in which
strong quantum fluctuations prevent long-range magnetic order from being estab lished, and …
strong quantum fluctuations prevent long-range magnetic order from being estab lished, and …
Rare-earth chalcogenides: A large family of triangular lattice spin liquid candidates
Frustrated quantum magnets are expected to host many exotic quantum spin states like
quantum spin liquid (QSL), and have attracted numerous interest in modern condensed …
quantum spin liquid (QSL), and have attracted numerous interest in modern condensed …