imap: Implicit map** and positioning in real-time
We show for the first time that a multilayer perceptron (MLP) can serve as the only scene
representation in a real-time SLAM system for a handheld RGB-D camera. Our network is …
representation in a real-time SLAM system for a handheld RGB-D camera. Our network is …
Efficient test-time model adaptation without forgetting
Test-time adaptation provides an effective means of tackling the potential distribution shift
between model training and inference, by dynamically updating the model at test time. This …
between model training and inference, by dynamically updating the model at test time. This …
A comprehensive survey on test-time adaptation under distribution shifts
Abstract Machine learning methods strive to acquire a robust model during the training
process that can effectively generalize to test samples, even in the presence of distribution …
process that can effectively generalize to test samples, even in the presence of distribution …