[کتاب][B] Modelling and optimization of wave energy converters

D Ning, B Ding - 2022‏ - books.google.com
Wave energy offers a promising renewable energy source, however, technologies
converting wave energy into useful electricity face many design challenges. This guide …

Numerical and experimental investigations into fluid resonance in a gap between two side-by-side vessels

H Liang, KH Chua, HC Wang, YS Choo - Applied Ocean Research, 2021‏ - Elsevier
When two vessels in a side-by-side configuration are under wave actions, fluid resonance
occurs in a narrow gap between two vessels, termed 'gap resonance', leading to large free …

Multi-body hydrodynamic resonance and shielding effect of vessels parallel and nonparallel side-by-side

B Li - Ocean Engineering, 2020‏ - Elsevier
An attempt has been made to study the hydrodynamic interaction of side-by-side vessels
based on the gap resonant modes which were theoretically derived by Molin et al. The …

Operability analysis of SWATH as a service vessel for offshore wind turbine in the southeastern coast of China

B Li, D Qiao, W Zhao, Z Hu, S Li - Ocean Engineering, 2022‏ - Elsevier
The operability of service operation vessels (SOV) is highly concerned with the cost,
schedule, and weather window to the operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms …

Effect of hydrodynamic coupling of floating offshore wind turbine and offshore support vessel

B Li - Applied Ocean Research, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The hydrodynamic coupling of Semi-submersible floating wind turbine and offshore support
vessel during walk-to-work operation is studied, which is aimed at investigating the …

[HTML][HTML] HAMS-MREL, a new open source multiple body solver for marine renewable energies: Model description, application and validation

V Raghavan, E Loukogeorgaki, N Mantadakis… - Renewable Energy, 2024‏ - Elsevier
With the rapid development of offshore renewable energy technologies, open source solvers
for hydrodynamic analysis can become beneficial to meet the numerical challenges within …

Efficient methods free of irregular frequencies in wave and solid/porous structure interactions

H Liang, CO Housseine, X Chen, Y Shao - Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2020‏ - Elsevier
The method of boundary integral equation is widely applied to compute and analyze wave–
structure interactions in marine and offshore engineering, and the application is also seen in …

Operability study of walk-to-work for floating wind turbine and service operation vessel in the time domain

B Li - Ocean Engineering, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The operability of walk-to-work operation through gangway regarding floating wind turbine
and service operation vessel is studied. An attempt has been made to investigate the limiting …

Comparison of existing methods for the calculation of the infinite water depth free-surface Green function for the wave–structure interaction problem

C **e, Y Choi, F Rongère, AH Clément… - Applied Ocean …, 2018‏ - Elsevier
In this study, the mathematical expressions and numerical methods for the free-surface
Green function of the linearized wave–structure problem in deep water and in the frequency …

[HTML][HTML] Consistent expressions for the free-surface Green function in finite water depth

E Mackay - Applied Ocean Research, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Fast and accurate computation of the free-surface Green function is of key importance for the
numerical solution of linear and second-order wave-structure interaction problems in three …