High-concentration silver alloying and steep back-contact gallium grading enabling copper indium gallium selenide solar cell with 23.6% efficiency
Chalcopyrite-based solar cells have reached an efficiency of 23.35%, yet further
improvements have been challenging. Here we present a 23.64% certified efficiency for a …
improvements have been challenging. Here we present a 23.64% certified efficiency for a …
[HTML][HTML] Towards multiscale X-ray tomographic imaging in membrane science—a perspective
G Rudolph-Schöp**, E Larsson, TN **el… - Journal of Membrane …, 2024 - Elsevier
Tomographic X-ray imaging techniques offer novel opportunities for studying membranes
and membrane processes in 3D on a spatial resolution not seen before. Traditional 2D …
and membrane processes in 3D on a spatial resolution not seen before. Traditional 2D …
[HTML][HTML] Traceable characterization of nanomaterials by x-ray spectrometry using calibrated instrumentation
B Beckhoff - Nanomaterials, 2022 - mdpi.com
Traceable characterization methods allow for the accurate correlation of the functionality or
toxicity of nanomaterials with their underlaying chemical, structural or physical material …
toxicity of nanomaterials with their underlaying chemical, structural or physical material …
ForMAX–a beamline for multiscale and multimodal structural characterization of hierarchical materials
The ForMAX beamline at the MAX IV Laboratory provides multiscale and multimodal
structural characterization of hierarchical materials in the nanometre to millimetre range by …
structural characterization of hierarchical materials in the nanometre to millimetre range by …
The CARNAÚBA X-ray nanospectroscopy beamline at the Sirius-LNLS synchrotron light source: Developments, commissioning, and first science at the TARUMÃ …
We review the main developments and first commissioning experiments at the CARNAÚBA
X-ray nanoprobe beamline, recently installed at the brand-new Sirius 4th-generation …
X-ray nanoprobe beamline, recently installed at the brand-new Sirius 4th-generation …
Design and performance of a dedicated coherent X-ray scanning diffraction instrument at beamline NanoMAX of MAX IV
D Carbone, S Kalbfleisch, U Johansson… - Synchrotron …, 2022 - journals.iucr.org
The diffraction endstation of the NanoMAX beamline is designed to provide high-flux
coherent X-ray nano-beams for experiments requiring many degrees of freedom for sample …
coherent X-ray nano-beams for experiments requiring many degrees of freedom for sample …
Defect-driven antiferromagnetic domain walls in CuMnAs films
Efficient manipulation of antiferromagnetic (AF) domains and domain walls has opened up
new avenues of research towards ultrafast, high-density spintronic devices. AF domain …
new avenues of research towards ultrafast, high-density spintronic devices. AF domain …
Effect of Ordered Vacancy Compounds on the Carrier Collection in Wide‐Gap (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells
This contribution studies the effect of ordered vacancy compounds (OVCs) on the minority
carrier collection in wide‐gap (Ag, Cu)(In, Ga) Se2 (ACIGS) solar cells. For this purpose …
carrier collection in wide‐gap (Ag, Cu)(In, Ga) Se2 (ACIGS) solar cells. For this purpose …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-scale characterization of the spatio-temporal interplay between elemental composition, mineral deposition and remodelling in bone fracture healing
Bone mineralization involves a complex orchestration of physico-chemical responses from
the organism. Despite extensive studies, the detailed mechanisms of mineralization remain …
the organism. Despite extensive studies, the detailed mechanisms of mineralization remain …
High-resolution and high-sensitivity X-ray ptychographic coherent diffraction imaging using the CITIUS detector
Ptychographic coherent diffraction imaging (PCDI) is a synchrotron X-ray microscopy
technique that provides high spatial resolution and a wide field of view. To improve the …
technique that provides high spatial resolution and a wide field of view. To improve the …