Petroleum systems and hydrocarbon potential of the North-West Himalaya of India and Pakistan
The Himalayan orogeny has shaped the sedimentary basins of the region, where
continuous deformation formed both 'conventional'and 'unconventional'petroleum systems at …
continuous deformation formed both 'conventional'and 'unconventional'petroleum systems at …
[HTML][HTML] Quantitative and qualitative study of the Tawi basin: Inferences from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using geospatial technology
AK Taloor, S Sharma, J Jamwal, S Kumar - Quaternary Science Advances, 2024 - Elsevier
The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the basin is fundamental to understand the
structural and hydrological control of the basin. In the present study morphometric and …
structural and hydrological control of the basin. In the present study morphometric and …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding and managing earthquake hazard visa viz disaster mitigation strategies in Kashmir valley, NW Himalaya
Kashmir valley lies in the Northwest part of the seismically active Himalayan arc, is
vulnerable to earthquakes both from near and far seismogenic sources owing to its unique …
vulnerable to earthquakes both from near and far seismogenic sources owing to its unique …
Climate change, hailstorm incidence, and livelihood security: a perspective from Kashmir valley India
Abstract The North-Western Himalayas are becoming the hotspots for hydro-meteorological
catastrophes due to climate change implications. Present study aims to analyse spatio …
catastrophes due to climate change implications. Present study aims to analyse spatio …
Implications for elastic energy storage in the Himalaya from the Gorkha 2015 earthquake and other incomplete ruptures of the Main Himalayan Thrust
Abstract Rupture in the 2015 M7. 8 Gorkha earthquake nucleated at the downdip edge of the
Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) near the transition from interseismic locking to aseismic creep …
Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) near the transition from interseismic locking to aseismic creep …
Disasters affecting education across time and space—a perspective from Kashmir
In Kashmir, natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, and droughts have
disrupted daily life in a multitude of areas to the point that people are already experiencing …
disrupted daily life in a multitude of areas to the point that people are already experiencing …
Seismic hazard assessment of Kashmir region using logic tree approach: focus on sensitivity of PSHA results towards declustering procedures and GMPEs
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for the Kashmir region located in the
northwestern Himalayas has been performed to quantitatively estimate the probability of …
northwestern Himalayas has been performed to quantitatively estimate the probability of …
Using historical data for develo** a hazard and disaster profile of the Kashmir valley for the period 1900–2020
Disasters cause high mortality and suffering and also thwart development and damage local
economies. Kashmir valley in the NW Himalaya is subject to a multitude of hazards and has …
economies. Kashmir valley in the NW Himalaya is subject to a multitude of hazards and has …
The Great Boundary Fault in the Indo-Gangetic foreland basin: A geomorphological perspective
Identifying active faults in alluvial plains with varying sedimentation rates, erosion, and
extensive anthropogenic modifications is challenging. In tectonically active foreland basins …
extensive anthropogenic modifications is challenging. In tectonically active foreland basins …
Seismic hazard assessment studies based on deterministic and probabilistic approaches for the Jammu region, NW Himalayas
The Jammu region is located in the Northwestern Himalayas, which has been hit by
moderate to large magnitude earthquakes regularly, including the deadliest 2005 Kashmir …
moderate to large magnitude earthquakes regularly, including the deadliest 2005 Kashmir …