Provenance of LGM glacial till (sand fraction) across the Ross embayment, Antarctica
KJ Licht, JR Lederer, RJ Swope - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2005 - Elsevier
The provenance of Late Quaternary Ross Embayment till was investigated by comparing the
coarse sand composition of East and West Antarctic source area tills with till samples from …
coarse sand composition of East and West Antarctic source area tills with till samples from …
Mantle-plume activity recorded by low-relief erosion surfaces in West Antarctica and New Zealand
WE LeMasurier, CA Landis - Geological Society of …, 1996 -
Mantle-plume activity has been proposed to explain Neogene and mid-Cretaceous
magmatic events, as well as associated tectonism, in West Antarctica; but the arrival time …
magmatic events, as well as associated tectonism, in West Antarctica; but the arrival time …
Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica: Evolution of Gondwana's Pacific margin constrained by zircon U-Pb geochronology and feldspar common-Pb isotopic compositions
Abstract The Paleozoic and Mesozoic development and subsequent fragmentation of
Gondwana's Pacific margin are recorded in igneous and metamorphic rocks that crop out in …
Gondwana's Pacific margin are recorded in igneous and metamorphic rocks that crop out in …
Geochemistry of Late Cenozoic basalts from the Crary Mountains: characterization of mantle sources in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
Late Cenozoic (9.34 to 0.04 Ma) alkaline basalts from the Crary Mountains, eastern Marie
Byrd Land, Antarctica have low 87Sr/86Sr (0.70267–0.70283), moderately high …
Byrd Land, Antarctica have low 87Sr/86Sr (0.70267–0.70283), moderately high …
Isotopic constraints on the provenance of fine-grained sediment in LGM tills from the Ross Embayment, Antarctica
The major element, trace element and Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic compositions were
determined for the< 63 μm sediment fraction of fourteen onshore tills and twenty-one …
determined for the< 63 μm sediment fraction of fourteen onshore tills and twenty-one …
Mount Erebus
Erebus volcano, Antarctica, is the southernmost active volcano on the globe. Despite its
remoteness and harsh conditions, Erebus volcano provides an unprecedented and unique …
remoteness and harsh conditions, Erebus volcano provides an unprecedented and unique …
Eastern margin of the Ross Sea Rift in western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica: Crustal structure and tectonic development
The basement rock and structures of the Ross Sea rift are exposed in coastal western Marie
Byrd Land (wMBL), West Antarctica. Thinned, extended continental crust forms wMBL and …
Byrd Land (wMBL), West Antarctica. Thinned, extended continental crust forms wMBL and …
Cooling history of the northern Ford Ranges, Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
Thermochronologic data from the Fosdick, Phillips and Chester mountains of Marie Byrd
Land, West Antarctica, have been obtained through U‐Pb analysis of monazite, 40Ar/39Ar …
Land, West Antarctica, have been obtained through U‐Pb analysis of monazite, 40Ar/39Ar …
Structural and tectonic evolution of the Ross Sea rift in the Cape Colbeck region, Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica
The far eastern continental shelf of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, has been relatively unexplored
up to now. This region and western Marie Byrd Land are at the eastern limit of the Ross Sea …
up to now. This region and western Marie Byrd Land are at the eastern limit of the Ross Sea …
b Marie Byrd Land and Ellsworth Land: petrology
Abstract In Marie Byrd Land and Ellsworth Land 19 large polygenetic volcanoes and
numerous smaller centres are exposed above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet along the …
numerous smaller centres are exposed above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet along the …