Understanding 'anticipatory governance'
Anticipatory governance is 'a broad-based capacity extended through society that can act on
a variety of inputs to manage emerging knowledge-based technologies while such …
a variety of inputs to manage emerging knowledge-based technologies while such …
Midstream modulation in biotechnology industry: Redefining what is 'part of the job'of researchers in industry
In response to an increasing amount of policy papers stressing the need for integrating
social and ethical aspects in Research and Development (R&D) practices, science studies …
social and ethical aspects in Research and Development (R&D) practices, science studies …
The why and how of enabling the integration of social and ethical aspects in research and development
Abstract New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST) based innovations, eg in the
field of Life Sciences or Nanotechnology, frequently raise societal and political concerns. To …
field of Life Sciences or Nanotechnology, frequently raise societal and political concerns. To …
Setting up spaces for collaboration in industry between researchers from the natural and social sciences
Policy makers call upon researchers from the natural and social sciences to collaborate for
the responsible development and deployment of innovations. Collaborations are projected …
the responsible development and deployment of innovations. Collaborations are projected …
From ethnography to engagement: The lab as a site of intervention
The Vilnius Declaration (2013) expresses strong faith in the abilities of the social sciences
and humanities (SSH) to contribute to European research and innovation efforts. Its …
and humanities (SSH) to contribute to European research and innovation efforts. Its …
[HTML][HTML] The integrative expert: Moral, epistemic, and poietic virtues in transformation research
Over the past 50 years, policy makers have sought to shape new and emerging
technologies in light of societal risks, public values, and ethical concerns. While much of this …
technologies in light of societal risks, public values, and ethical concerns. While much of this …
[PDF][PDF] The Integrative Expert: Moral, Epistemic, and Poietic Virtues in Transformation Research. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10416
Over the past 50 years, policy makers have sought to shape new and emerging
technologies in light of societal risks, public values, and ethical concerns. While much of this …
technologies in light of societal risks, public values, and ethical concerns. While much of this …