[PDF][PDF] 微电网惯量与阻尼模拟技术综述及展望

赵恩盛, **杨, 周思宇, 刘宇翔, 杨** - **电机工程学报, 2022 - epjournal.csee.org.cn
微电网因含有高比例可再生能源, 高比例电力电子设备及灵活可控等特点而受到广泛关注. 然而,
微电网通过电力电子变换器进行能量转换, 不具备传统电网中同步发电机所提供的惯量支撑 …

Distributed virtual inertia control and stability analysis of dc microgrid

X Zhu, Z ** DC-side resonance of VSC-MTDC system
C Li, Y Li, Y Cao, H Zhu, C Rehtanz… - IEEE Journal of …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
DC-side oscillation is investigated for a voltage source converter-based multiterminal direct
current (VSC-MTDC) system. Confronted with this issue, the virtual synchronous generator …

Inertia emulation in droop-based dc microgrids with equivalent converter impedance resha**

F Deng, L Zhang, Z ** controller
SK Das, SC Swain, R Dash, J Reddy, C Dhanamjayalu… - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
In recent years, the power sector has shifted to decentralized power generation, exemplified
by microgrids that combine renewable and traditional power sources. With the introduction …