Brillouin integrated photonics
A recent renaissance in Brillouin scattering research has been driven by the increasing
maturity of photonic integration platforms and nanophotonics. The result is a new breed of …
maturity of photonic integration platforms and nanophotonics. The result is a new breed of …
Integrated microwave photonic filters
Microwave signal filtering is a fundamental and central functionality in radio-frequency (RF)
systems. Underpinned by advanced integrated photonics technologies, emerging integrated …
systems. Underpinned by advanced integrated photonics technologies, emerging integrated …
[КНИГА][B] An introduction to distributed optical fibre sensors
AH Hartog - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
This book explains physical principles, unique benefits, broad categories, implementation
aspects, and performance criteria of distributed optical fiber sensors (DOFS). For each kind …
aspects, and performance criteria of distributed optical fiber sensors (DOFS). For each kind …
[HTML][HTML] A review of distributed fibre optic sensors for geo-hydrological applications
L Schenato - Applied Sciences, 2017 - mdpi.com
Featured Application Distributed fibre optic sensors for geo-hydrological applications: a
comprehensive review about methodology, weaknesses, and strengths. Abstract Distributed …
comprehensive review about methodology, weaknesses, and strengths. Abstract Distributed …
Capacity limits of optical fiber networks
We describe a method to estimate the capacity limit of fiber-optic communication systems
(or¿ fiber channels¿) based on information theory. This paper is divided into two parts. Part 1 …
(or¿ fiber channels¿) based on information theory. This paper is divided into two parts. Part 1 …
Nonlinear fiber optics
GP Agrawal - Nonlinear Science at the Dawn of the 21st Century, 2000 - Springer
Nonlinear fiber optics concerns with the nonlinear optical phenomena occurring inside
optical fibers. Although the field ofnonlinear optics traces its beginning to 1961, when a ruby …
optical fibers. Although the field ofnonlinear optics traces its beginning to 1961, when a ruby …
Post-2000 nonlinear optical materials and measurements: data tables and best practices
In its 60 years of existence, the field of nonlinear optics has gained momentum especially
over the past two decades thanks to major breakthroughs in material science and …
over the past two decades thanks to major breakthroughs in material science and …
[HTML][HTML] 100 years of Brillouin scattering: Historical and future perspectives
The Year 2022 marks 100 years since Leon Brillouin predicted and theoretically described
the interaction of optical waves with acoustic waves in a medium. Accordingly, this resonant …
the interaction of optical waves with acoustic waves in a medium. Accordingly, this resonant …
Transmission of stationary nonlinear optical pulses in dispersive dielectric fibers. II. Normal dispersion
A Hasegawa, F Tappert - Applied Physics Letters, 1973 - pubs.aip.org
Theoretical calculations supported by numerical simulations show that utilization of the
nonlinear dependence of the index of refraction on intensity makes possible the …
nonlinear dependence of the index of refraction on intensity makes possible the …
Microresonator brillouin gyroscope
Optical-based rotation sensors have revolutionized precision, high-sensitivity inertial
navigation systems. At the same time these sensors use bulky optical fiber spools or free …
navigation systems. At the same time these sensors use bulky optical fiber spools or free …