The role of cognitive processing factors in sexual function and dysfunction in women and men: a systematic review
Introduction Cognitive factors are conceptualized as playing a role in maintaining
psychological disorders—including sexual dysfunction—by influencing the way in which …
psychological disorders—including sexual dysfunction—by influencing the way in which …
[کتاب][B] Handbook of sexuality-related measures
RR Milhausen, JK Sakaluk, TD Fisher, CM Davis… - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This classic and invaluable reference handbook, written for sex researchers and their
students, has now been completely revised in a new, fourth edition. It remains the only easy …
students, has now been completely revised in a new, fourth edition. It remains the only easy …
Sexual Modes Questionnaire (SMQ): Translation and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Automatic Thought Scale
Abstract Background The Sexual Modes Questionnaire (SMQ) is a validated and
widespread used tool to assess the association among negative automatic thoughts …
widespread used tool to assess the association among negative automatic thoughts …
Pain intensity and sexual functioning in men with genital pain: the mediation role of sexually related thoughts
The comorbidity between male genital pain and sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent.
Previous studies have indicated that men with genital pain share some cognitive …
Previous studies have indicated that men with genital pain share some cognitive …
Den dolda smärtan:-yngre mäns upplevelse av underlivssmärta
W Jarting, L Sandberg - 2020 - diva-portal.org
Kronisk underlivssmärta hos män är ett vanligt fenomen. Trots detta är ämnet relativt
outforskat, framförallt gällande yngre män. Studiens syfte var att undersöka upplevelser av …
outforskat, framförallt gällande yngre män. Studiens syfte var att undersöka upplevelser av …
Attitudes, beliefs, and cognitions.
JA Catania, JM Dossett, J Eriksson, T Humphreys… - 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
This chapter is about measures of attitudes, beliefs, and cognitions. The measures covered
include: Dyadic Sexual Regulation Scale; The Sexual Importance Scale; Virginity Beliefs …
include: Dyadic Sexual Regulation Scale; The Sexual Importance Scale; Virginity Beliefs …
[PDF][PDF] En smärtsam upptäckt–Underlivssmärta hos unga män och dess relation till psykologiska faktorer
K Brattgård, G Solinger - 2018 - diva-portal.org
Manlig underlivssmärta och dess relation till psykologiska faktorer är ett område i behov av
fler studier, framförallt gällande unga män. Detta trots att forskning kring annan smärta visar …
fler studier, framförallt gällande unga män. Detta trots att forskning kring annan smärta visar …
Exploring the psychosocial predictors of male sexual desire. Testing an integrated model
F Nimbi - 2018 - iris.uniroma1.it
Objectives: The literature lacks studies of male sexual desire under the umbrella of the
Biopsychosocial approach. The aim of this study was to evaluate and test in a general …
Biopsychosocial approach. The aim of this study was to evaluate and test in a general …