The impact of individual nuclear properties on r-process nucleosynthesis
The astrophysical rapid neutron capture process or 'r process' of nucleosynthesis is believed
to be responsible for the production of approximately half the heavy element abundances …
to be responsible for the production of approximately half the heavy element abundances …
Neutrino–nuclear responses for astro-neutrinos, single beta decays and double beta decays
H Ejiri, J Suhonen, K Zuber - Physics Reports, 2019 - Elsevier
Neutrino–nuclear responses associated with astro-neutrinos, single beta decays and double
beta decays are crucial in studies of neutrino properties of interest for astro-particle physics …
beta decays are crucial in studies of neutrino properties of interest for astro-particle physics …
[HTML][HTML] Nuclear mass predictions based on Bayesian neural network approach with pairing and shell effects
ZM Niu, HZ Liang - Physics Letters B, 2018 - Elsevier
Bayesian neural network (BNN) approach is employed to improve the nuclear mass
predictions of various models. It is found that the noise error in the likelihood function plays …
predictions of various models. It is found that the noise error in the likelihood function plays …
Large-scale evaluation of -decay rates of -process nuclei with the inclusion of first-forbidden transitions
Background: r-process nucleosynthesis models rely, by necessity, on nuclear structure
models for input. Particularly important are β-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei. At …
models for input. Particularly important are β-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei. At …
r-process nucleosynthesis: Connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos
This is an exciting time for the study of r-process nucleosynthesis. Recently, a neutron star
merger GW170817 was observed in extraordinary detail with gravitational waves and …
merger GW170817 was observed in extraordinary detail with gravitational waves and …
Towards an ab initio covariant density functional theory for nuclear structure
Nuclear structure models built from phenomenological mean fields, the effective nucleon–
nucleon interactions (or Lagrangians), and the realistic bare nucleon–nucleon interactions …
nucleon interactions (or Lagrangians), and the realistic bare nucleon–nucleon interactions …
Time-dependent density-functional description of nuclear dynamics
T Nakatsukasa, K Matsuyanagi, M Matsuo… - Reviews of modern …, 2016 - APS
The basic concepts and recent developments in the time-dependent density-functional
theory (TDDFT) for describing nuclear dynamics at low energy are presented. The symmetry …
theory (TDDFT) for describing nuclear dynamics at low energy are presented. The symmetry …
Predictions of nuclear -decay half-lives with machine learning and their impact on -process nucleosynthesis
Nuclear β decay is a key process to understand the origin of heavy elements in the universe,
while the accuracy is far from satisfactory for the predictions of β-decay half-lives by nuclear …
while the accuracy is far from satisfactory for the predictions of β-decay half-lives by nuclear …
Nuclear robustness of the process in neutron-star mergers
We have performed r-process calculations for matter ejected dynamically in neutron star
mergers based on a complete set of trajectories from a three-dimensional relativistic …
mergers based on a complete set of trajectories from a three-dimensional relativistic …
Beyond-mean-field approaches for nuclear neutrinoless double beta decay in the standard mechanism
Nuclear weak decays provide important probes to fundamental symmetries in nature. A
precise description of these processes in atomic nuclei requires comprehensive knowledge …
precise description of these processes in atomic nuclei requires comprehensive knowledge …