Measuring, modelling and managing gully erosion at large scales: A state of the art
Soil erosion is generally recognized as the dominant process of land degradation. The
formation and expansion of gullies is often a highly significant process of soil erosion …
formation and expansion of gullies is often a highly significant process of soil erosion …
Evaluation of different DEMs for gully erosion susceptibility map** using in-situ field measurement and validation
The spatial variability in any kind of geomorphic studies based on terrain attributes are the
most important issues. This terrain attributes and their respective characteristics play a …
most important issues. This terrain attributes and their respective characteristics play a …
[HTML][HTML] Random Forest–based gully erosion susceptibility assessment across different agro-ecologies of the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
Several environmental factors are known to influence the spatial distribution and
susceptibility of gully erosion, yet the relative importance and interaction of these factors …
susceptibility of gully erosion, yet the relative importance and interaction of these factors …
An Overview of the Importance of DEM Resolution in Soil Erosion Assessment
Soil erosion is a geomorphic process that can cause hazards and socioeconomic losses.
These processes occur through subsurface and overland flows. We conducted a literature …
These processes occur through subsurface and overland flows. We conducted a literature …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of gully erosion susceptibility using different DEM-derived topographic factors in the black soil region of Northeast China
D Huang, L Su, L Zhou, Y Tian, H Fan - International Soil and Water …, 2023 - Elsevier
As a primary sediment source, gully erosion leads to severe land degradation and poses a
threat to food and ecological security. Therefore, identification of susceptible areas is critical …
threat to food and ecological security. Therefore, identification of susceptible areas is critical …
[HTML][HTML] Hybrid machine learning approach for gully erosion map** susceptibility at a watershed scale
Gully erosion is a serious threat to the state of ecosystems all around the world. As a result,
safeguarding the soil for our own benefit and from our own actions is a must for …
safeguarding the soil for our own benefit and from our own actions is a must for …
GIS-based multi-criteria railway design with spatial environmental considerations
Railway design is complex and closely linked to environmental concerns. To solve this
problem, a two-stage method considering three categories of environmental factors …
problem, a two-stage method considering three categories of environmental factors …
Remote sensing and nuclear techniques for high-resolution map** and quantification of gully erosion in the highly erodible area of the Malčanska River Basin …
Gully erosion leads to the formation of deep and wide channels that increase the risk of soil
loss, flooding, and water pollution. In addition, this process reduces the productivity and …
loss, flooding, and water pollution. In addition, this process reduces the productivity and …
Optimal Soybean (Glycine max L.) Land Suitability Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Analysis and Sentinel-2 Multitemporal Images
Soybean is regarded as one of the most produced crops in the world, presenting a source of
high-quality protein for human and animal diets. The general objective of the study was to …
high-quality protein for human and animal diets. The general objective of the study was to …
[HTML][HTML] Identification of topographic factors for gully erosion susceptibility and their spatial modelling using machine learning in the black soil region of Northeast …
D Huang, L Su, H Fan, L Zhou, Y Tian - Ecological Indicators, 2022 - Elsevier
Gullies are primary sediment sources that restrict sustainable agricultural development by
reducing the quality of soil and destroying farmlands. In the black soil regions of Northeast …
reducing the quality of soil and destroying farmlands. In the black soil regions of Northeast …