How do expectations shape perception?
Perception and perceptual decision-making are strongly facilitated by prior knowledge about
the probabilistic structure of the world. While the computational benefits of using prior …
the probabilistic structure of the world. While the computational benefits of using prior …
[HTML][HTML] The predictive coding account of psychosis
Fueled by developments in computational neuroscience, there has been increasing interest
in the underlying neurocomputational mechanisms of psychosis. One successful approach …
in the underlying neurocomputational mechanisms of psychosis. One successful approach …
[HTML][HTML] Habitual daily intake of a sweet and fatty snack modulates reward processing in humans
Western diets rich in fat and sugar promote excess calorie intake and weight gain; however,
the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Despite a well-documented association between …
the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Despite a well-documented association between …
Pavlovian conditioning–induced hallucinations result from overweighting of perceptual priors
Some people hear voices that others do not, but only some of those people seek treatment.
Using a Pavlovian learning task, we induced conditioned hallucinations in four groups of …
Using a Pavlovian learning task, we induced conditioned hallucinations in four groups of …
Active interoceptive inference and the emotional brain
We review a recent shift in conceptions of interoception and its relationship to hierarchical
inference in the brain. The notion of interoceptive inference means that bodily states are …
inference in the brain. The notion of interoceptive inference means that bodily states are …
An active inference approach to interoceptive psychopathology
Interoception refers to the process by which the nervous system senses and integrates
signals originating from within the body, providing a momentary map** of the body's …
signals originating from within the body, providing a momentary map** of the body's …
Adults with autism overestimate the volatility of the sensory environment
Insistence on sameness and intolerance of change are among the diagnostic criteria for
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but little research has addressed how people with ASD …
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but little research has addressed how people with ASD …
The empirical status of predictive coding and active inference
Research on predictive processing models has focused largely on two specific algorithmic
theories: Predictive Coding for perception and Active Inference for decision-making. While …
theories: Predictive Coding for perception and Active Inference for decision-making. While …
Higher frequency of Central Pacific El Niño events in recent decades relative to past centuries
El Niño events differ substantially in their spatial pattern and intensity. Canonical Eastern
Pacific El Niño events have sea surface temperature anomalies that are strongest in the far …
Pacific El Niño events have sea surface temperature anomalies that are strongest in the far …
Adaptive learning under expected and unexpected uncertainty
The outcome of a decision is often uncertain, and outcomes can vary over repeated
decisions. Whether decision outcomes should substantially affect behaviour and learning …
decisions. Whether decision outcomes should substantially affect behaviour and learning …