Microwave photo-association of fine-structure-induced Rydberg macro-dimer molecules of cesium
Long-range (n+ 2) D 5/2 n FJ Rydberg macro-dimers are observed in an ultracold cesium
Rydberg gas for 39≤ n≤ 48. Strong dipolar flip (〈 D 5/2 F 5/2| V ̂ dd| F 5/2 D 5/2〉,〈 D 5/2 …
Rydberg gas for 39≤ n≤ 48. Strong dipolar flip (〈 D 5/2 F 5/2| V ̂ dd| F 5/2 D 5/2〉,〈 D 5/2 …
Individual assembly of two-species Rydberg molecules using optical tweezers
We present a new approach to investigating Rydberg molecules by demonstrating the
formation and characterization of individual Rb $^{*} $ Cs Rydberg molecules using optical …
formation and characterization of individual Rb $^{*} $ Cs Rydberg molecules using optical …