Magnetic susceptibility as a high-resolution correlation tool and as a climatic proxy in Paleozoic rocks–merits and pitfalls: examples from the Devonian in Belgium
Low-field magnetic susceptibility (χ in) measurements are quick and sensitive enabling the
creation of high-resolution records; making χ in an attractive correlation tool and a proxy for …
creation of high-resolution records; making χ in an attractive correlation tool and a proxy for …
Magnetic susceptibility and spectral gamma logs in the Tithonian–Berriasian pelagic carbonates in the Tatra Mts (Western Carpathians, Poland): Palaeoenvironmental …
Upper Tithonian–Berriasian pelagic carbonates in the Central Western Carpathians, Tatra
Mts (southern Poland), with well-established bio-and magnetostratigraphy, provide excellent …
Mts (southern Poland), with well-established bio-and magnetostratigraphy, provide excellent …
Arsenic in marine sediments: how robust a redox proxy?
Arsenic (As) is reputed to be a redox-sensitive element but has not been fully explored yet
as a proxy in marine sediments and sedimentary rocks, compared to extensively examined …
as a proxy in marine sediments and sedimentary rocks, compared to extensively examined …
Climate instability and tip** points in the Late Devonian: Detection of the Hangenberg Event in an open oceanic island arc in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Sedimentary petrology and trace element geochemistry indicate that the Late Devonian to
Early Carboniferous Heishantou Formation near Boulongour Reservoir (NW **njiang …
Early Carboniferous Heishantou Formation near Boulongour Reservoir (NW **njiang …
Integrated stratigraphy and clay mineralogy of the Owadów–Brzezinki section (Lower–Upper Tithonian transition, central Poland): implications for correlations …
B Błażejowski, A Pszczółkowski… - Journal of the …, 2023 -
New microfossil and magnetostratigraphical data as well as geochemical and clay mineral
weathering indices are documented from the uppermost Jurassic Owadów–Brzezinki …
weathering indices are documented from the uppermost Jurassic Owadów–Brzezinki …
Cyclostratigraphic calibration of the Frasnian (Late Devonian) time scale (western Alberta, Canada)
Until now, the duration of the Frasnian Stage has remained very poorly constrained,
hampering a detailed understanding of sedimentation processes and environmental and …
hampering a detailed understanding of sedimentation processes and environmental and …
Refining the Early Devonian time scale using Milankovitch cyclicity in Lochkovian–Pragian sediments (Prague Synform, Czech Republic)
Abstract The Early Devonian geological time scale (base of the Devonian at 418.8±2.9 Myr,
Becker et al., 2012) suffers from poor age control, with associated large uncertainties …
Becker et al., 2012) suffers from poor age control, with associated large uncertainties …
A forest fire and soil erosion event during the Late Devonian mass extinction
Abstract The Late Devonian mass extinction occurred in a stepwise manner and culminated
close to the Frasnian–Famennian (F–F) boundary (372 million years ago). Organic …
close to the Frasnian–Famennian (F–F) boundary (372 million years ago). Organic …
Cyclostratigraphic calibration of the Famennian stage (Late Devonian, Illinois Basin, USA)
Abstract The Late Devonian biosphere was affected by two of the most severe biodiversity
crises in Earth's history, the Kellwasser and Hangenberg events near the Frasnian …
crises in Earth's history, the Kellwasser and Hangenberg events near the Frasnian …
Detecting the late Frasnian semichatovae Event on the deep shelf of north Gondwana
The semichatovae Event is a mid–late Frasnian (Late Devonian) episode of a major marine
transgression that coincides with the spread of the conodont Palmatolepis semichatovae …
transgression that coincides with the spread of the conodont Palmatolepis semichatovae …