User acceptance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in higher education institutions: A conceptual model

D Bamufleh, MA Almalki, R Almohammadi… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
It has become common practice for higher education institutions (HEIs) to replace existing
computer systems, called legacy administrative information systems, with new ones to cope …

Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector

MOA Shbail, Z Jaradat, MB Baker… - … Journal of Business …, 2024 -
This paper proposed a framework of the drivers of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system adoption in the banking sector of Jordan, based on the UTAUT model. The study …

Leveraging ERP systems for improving ERP effectiveness in emergency service organizations: an empirical study

M Bhattacharya, T Ramakrishnan… - Business Process …, 2023 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence enterprise
resource planning (ERP) effectiveness within the context of emergency service …

Spotting the critical success factors of enterprise resource planning implementation in the context of public higher education sector

A Abu Madi, RM Ayoubi, M Alzbaidi - International Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The failure of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation in higher
education institutions (HEIs) worldwide is much higher than other sectors, such as banking …

ERP post-implementation phase: deployment of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model on user acceptance

MR Mohamad Zain, S Tajul Urus, T Trinh… - Asia-Pacific …, 2023 -
The fourth industrial revolution (IR4. 0) has unfurled its wings over all industries, and its
positive impact on the modern global economy has already emerged significantly. The need …

Digitalization of Administrative Processes in Primary Schools using ERP System

RS Kostev, KS Danachki - 2023 International Scientific …, 2023 -
The paper examines the possibilities for digitization of basic administrative processes in a
primary school, through the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) …

Challenges and supporting factors in adopting ERP in higher education: Insights from UI

A Setyawan, ES Hermita, ME Putri… - … and Design (ICCED), 2020 -
Implementation of enterprise resource planning system to support business process in
organization has increased rapidly. Higher education institution is one of organizations …

Human Factors That Lead Successful Implementations of ERP Systems: Guidelines for IT Project Managers of Higher Education Institutions

G Gerón-Piñón, P Solana-González… - … of Research on the …, 2020 -
ABSTRACT Although Latin America has exhibited lately the largest growth in terms of ERP
adoption rate worldwide, there is a gap in the literature focused in examining the success …

Assessing the Readiness of Jordanian Universities for Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: A Case Study

A Althunibat - 2023 International Conference on Digital Age & …, 2023 -
The adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is a critical aspect of
managing business processes. However, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) must exercise …

USO DO SISTEMA DE EXECUÇÃO DA MANUFATURA NA PRÁTICA: entendendo os usuários finais ea aceitação do sistema

RM Innecco - 2020 -
O Sistema de Execução da Manufatura (MES) é uma tecnologia que pertence à disciplina
científica dos sistemas de informação. Em palavras simples, o MES preenche a lacuna entre …