[HTML][HTML] Optical and digital double color-image encryption algorithm using 3D chaotic map and 2D-multiple parameter fractional discrete cosine transform
This paper proposes a new encryption and decryption method for optical and digital double
color-images using 2D-multiple parameter fractional discrete cosine transform (MPFrDCT) …
color-images using 2D-multiple parameter fractional discrete cosine transform (MPFrDCT) …
Optical image encryption based on biometric keys and singular value decomposition
S Tao, C Tang, Y Shen, Z Lei - Applied optics, 2020 - opg.optica.org
We propose an asymmetric optical image cryptosystem based on biometric keys and
singular value decomposition (SVD) in the Fresnel transform domain. In the proposed …
singular value decomposition (SVD) in the Fresnel transform domain. In the proposed …
Security-enrichment of an asymmetric optical image encryption-based devil's vortex Fresnel lens phase mask and lower upper decomposition with partial pivoting in …
An asymmetric optical cryptosystem to encrypt images using devil's vortex Fresnel lens
(DVFLs) phase masks and lower upper decomposition with partial pivoting (LUDPP) is …
(DVFLs) phase masks and lower upper decomposition with partial pivoting (LUDPP) is …
Multi-layer color image encryption using random matrix affine cipher, RP2DFrHT and 2D Arnold map
S Sabir, V Guleria - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation and storing and transmitting
images over the unsecured channel has become a challenging task nowadays. In this …
images over the unsecured channel has become a challenging task nowadays. In this …
Security-enhanced optical nonlinear cryptosystem based on modified Gerchberg–Saxton iterative algorithm
For any optical encryption and decryption systems, security is the major concern. In this
paper, security of time varying nonlinear term embedded double random phase encoding …
paper, security of time varying nonlinear term embedded double random phase encoding …
Symmetric cryptosystem based on chaos structured phase masks and equal modulus decomposition using fractional Fourier transform
Chaotic structured phase masks (CSPM), equal modulus decomposition (EMD) and
fractional Fourier transform are potentially proposed to design the effective symmetric …
fractional Fourier transform are potentially proposed to design the effective symmetric …
A secure asymmetric optical image encryption based on phase truncation and singular value decomposition in linear canonical transform domain
A new asymmetric optical double image encryption algorithm is proposed, which combines
phase truncation and singular value decomposition. The plain text is encrypted with two …
phase truncation and singular value decomposition. The plain text is encrypted with two …
Two level phase retrieval in fractional Hartley domain for secure image encryption and authentication using digital signatures
A novel image authentication scheme based on two level phase retrieval algorithm (PRA)
propagated in fractional Hartley transform (FrHT) to extract two phase-only masks (POMs) is …
propagated in fractional Hartley transform (FrHT) to extract two phase-only masks (POMs) is …
Non-linear cryptosystem for image encryption using radial Hilbert mask in fractional Fourier transform domain
An asymmetric image encryption scheme has been proposed in the fractional Fourier
transform (FRT) domain, using a radial Hilbert mask in the input plane and a random phase …
transform (FRT) domain, using a radial Hilbert mask in the input plane and a random phase …
A spiral-phase rear mounted triple masking for secure optical image encryption based on gyrator transform
Background: A spiral phase rear mounted masked scheme is proposed based on Gyrator
Transform (GT) to enhance the security contribution of second lens of the existing Double …
Transform (GT) to enhance the security contribution of second lens of the existing Double …