Fresh and rheological characteristics of fiber reinforced concrete——A review
Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) has been widely used due to its perfect mechanical
performance, but inclusion of fibers has a decisive influence on the fresh properties …
performance, but inclusion of fibers has a decisive influence on the fresh properties …
Nano-SiO2 contribution to mechanical, durability, fresh and microstructural characteristics of concrete: A review
Long-term durability of concrete has been of interest for researchers in past decades, and
throughout their numerous research endeavors, they have tried to improve durability with the …
throughout their numerous research endeavors, they have tried to improve durability with the …
A comprehensive study on the fire resistance properties of ultra-fine ceramic waste-filled high alkaline white cement paste composites for progressing towards …
The most practical sustainable development options to safeguard the local ecology involve
reducing the use of raw materials and guaranteeing proper recycling of the principal …
reducing the use of raw materials and guaranteeing proper recycling of the principal …
Effects of nano-TiO2, nano-Al2O3, and nano-Fe2O3 on rheology, mechanical and durability properties of self-consolidating concrete (SCC): An experimental study
The objective of this study is to assess and compare the effects of different nanoparticles,
namely nano-TiO 2, nano-Al 2 O 3 and nano-Fe 2 O 3, on the performance of self …
namely nano-TiO 2, nano-Al 2 O 3 and nano-Fe 2 O 3, on the performance of self …
Microstructure of synthetic composite interfaces and verification of mixing order in cold-recycled asphalt emulsion mixture
Cold recycling technology is getting more and more attention due to economic and
environmental benefits by reduced energy consumption and resource conservation …
environmental benefits by reduced energy consumption and resource conservation …
Predicting rockburst with database using particle swarm optimization and extreme learning machine
Rockburst is a major type of geological hazard that has a very adverse impact on
underground engineering in deeply buried areas under high geo-stress. In this study …
underground engineering in deeply buried areas under high geo-stress. In this study …
Mechanical and microstructural characteristics of different interfaces in cold recycled mixture containing cement and asphalt emulsion
Cold recycling technique is an effective strategy of cost reduction, resource conservation
and energy consumption in pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. However, the …
and energy consumption in pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. However, the …
Effect of various anti-washout admixtures on the properties of non-dispersible underwater concrete
The present study investigates the effectiveness of using various viscosity modifiers
admixtures (VMAs) as anti-washout admixtures (AWAs) to fabricate non-dispersible …
admixtures (VMAs) as anti-washout admixtures (AWAs) to fabricate non-dispersible …
The effects of silanized rubber and nano-SiO2 on microstructure and frost resistance characteristics of concrete using response surface methodology (RSM)
J Shi, L Zhao, C Han, H Han - Construction and Building Materials, 2022 - Elsevier
Waste rubber powder can be used to enhance the frost resistance of cement concrete.
Conventionally, only the rubber powder is directly mixed into concrete, but its mechanical …
Conventionally, only the rubber powder is directly mixed into concrete, but its mechanical …
Influence of low vacuum and high temperature condition on moisture transport and dry shrinkage of mature concrete
X Wang, H Chang, S Li, Y Jia, Z Kong, Y Wang… - Journal of Building …, 2024 - Elsevier
Low vacuum and high temperature typically promote the evaporation of moisture and
exacerbate concrete shrinkage cracking, which highlights the issue of volume stability for …
exacerbate concrete shrinkage cracking, which highlights the issue of volume stability for …