Using a social construction of gender lens to understand gender differences in posttraumatic stress disorder
A wealth of research has established clear gender differences in exposure to potentially
traumatic events and in subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One perspective …
traumatic events and in subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One perspective …
Men and COVID-19: a biopsychosocial approach to understanding sex differences in mortality and recommendations for practice and policy interventions
DM Griffith, G Sharma, CS Holliday… - Preventing chronic …, 2020 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Data suggest that more men than women are dying of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
19) worldwide, but it is unclear why. A biopsychosocial approach is critical for understanding …
19) worldwide, but it is unclear why. A biopsychosocial approach is critical for understanding …
Men's dropout from mental health services: Results from a survey of Australian men across the life span
While increasing numbers of Australian men are accessing mental health services, the
sustainability of their therapy engagement varies significantly, with many men being lost to …
sustainability of their therapy engagement varies significantly, with many men being lost to …
Associations between masculine norms and health-care utilization in highly religious, heterosexual men
The purpose of this study was to use focus groups to explore married men's avoidance of
health-care utilization. Five focus groups of 8 to 10 married, heterosexual, male participants …
health-care utilization. Five focus groups of 8 to 10 married, heterosexual, male participants …
Yoga not a (physical) culture for men? Understanding the barriers for yoga participation among men
Yoga offers an integrated approach to health and well-being that could potentially benefit
men. This qualitative descriptive study examined men's perceptions of yoga, and identified …
men. This qualitative descriptive study examined men's perceptions of yoga, and identified …
Masculine norms and mental health of African men: what can psychology do?
CR Ezeugwu, O Ojedokun - Heliyon, 2020 - cell.com
In Africa, internalisation of masculine norms among men has been reported to make them
more susceptible to mental health problems. In this chapter, social construction and role …
more susceptible to mental health problems. In this chapter, social construction and role …
Community health worker interventions for men: a sco** review using the RE-AIM framework
GM Wippold, KA Garcia, SG Frary… - Health Education & …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Introduction Community health workers (CHWs) are health promotion specialists who are
trusted members of the community served and have a close understanding of the …
trusted members of the community served and have a close understanding of the …
Strengths and weaknesses of the Young Black Men, Masculinities, and Mental Health (YBMen) Facebook project.
Abstract The Young Black Men, Masculinities, and Mental Health (YBMen) project is a
Facebook-based intervention that provides mental health education and social support to …
Facebook-based intervention that provides mental health education and social support to …
Breaking down machismo: shifting definitions and embodiments of Latino manhood in middle-aged Latino men
LA Valdez, EC Jaeger, DO Garcia… - American Journal of …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
There is a notable gap in empirical research regarding how Latino men define and
demonstrate machismo, masculinity, and manhood as well as the behavioral consequences …
demonstrate machismo, masculinity, and manhood as well as the behavioral consequences …
Allostatic load, income, and race among Black and White men in the United States
Research indicates that income is significantly associated with allostatic load (AL) and that
this association may differ between White and Black Americans. Most existing income–AL …
this association may differ between White and Black Americans. Most existing income–AL …