Analysis of customers' satisfaction with baby products: The moderating role of brand image

M Nilashi, RA Abumalloh, S Samad, M Alrizq… - Journal of Retailing and …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The previous experience of customers is assessed by textual reviews and ratings to reflect
their levels of satisfaction with the service or product. Online reviews and ratings have …

Development of an adoption model to assess user acceptance of e-service technology: E-Service Technology Acceptance Model

H Taherdoost - Behaviour & Information Technology, 2018‏ - Taylor & Francis
With remarkable growth of ICT development and the Internet popularity, the widespread use
of the electronic service is becoming inevitable. Furthermore, as the user adoption plays an …

Flexibility in service operations: review, synthesis and research agenda

P Kumar, AP Singh - Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2019‏ -
Flexibility in service operations: review, synthesis and research agenda | Emerald Insight
Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced …

Exploring cognitive-behavioral drivers impacting consumer continuance intention of fitness apps using a hybrid approach of text mining, SEM, and ANN

S Bellary, PK Bala, S Chakraborty - Journal of Retailing and Consumer …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Amidst the digital revolution, consumer wellness services have been transformed by the
proliferation of health and fitness apps (HFAs). Leveraging the information systems …

Exploring the impact of different factors on brand equity and intention to take up online courses from e-Learning platforms

A Ray, PK Bala, S Chakraborty, SA Dasgupta - Journal of Retailing and …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Understanding service branding from the customer perspective is helpful for various
organizations to attain a competitive edge and build a strong customer base. This research …

Factors determining user satisfaction of internet usage among public sector employees in Yemen

O Isaac, Z Abdullah, T Ramayah… - International Journal …, 2018‏ -
Internet technology has become an essential technological tool for individuals,
organisations, and nations driving growth and prosperity. However, there are countries such …

Relationship between brand innovativeness and customer satisfaction: a moderated mediation model from Generation M perspective

S Naz, M Asrar-ul-Haq, A Iqbal… - Journal of Islamic …, 2023‏ -
Purpose This paper aims to examine the impact of innovativeness on customer satisfaction
through mediation of perceived quality and also examines the effect of consumer …

Determining factors affecting customer satisfaction of the national electric power company (MERALCO) during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Phillippines

AKS Ong, YT Prasetyo, RT Kishimoto, KA Mariñas… - Utilities Policy, 2023‏ - Elsevier
This study aimed to determine factors affecting customer satisfaction of national electric
power companies during the COVID-19 pandemic by integrating SERVQUAL and …

Marketing mix, customer satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical study of telecom sector in Bhutan

Y Verma, MRP Singh - Indian Journal of Commerce and Management …, 2017‏ -
Telecom sector in Bhutan is still in evolving stage. The first network line was made
operational in 1963. The study of marketing mix, customer satisfaction and loyalty is …

Customer satisfaction, loyalty and switching behaviour: A conceptual model of mobile telecommunications consumers

S Chigwende, K Govender - Turkish Journal of Computer and …, 2021‏ -
The paper presents an overview of the mobile telecommunications sector by highlighting the
effect of the sector on the economy. The was followed by a discussion of the different types …