Electron–molecule collision calculations using the R-matrix method

J Tennyson - Physics Reports, 2010‏ - Elsevier
The R-matrix method is an embedding procedure which is based on the division of space
into an inner region where the physics is complicated and an outer region for which greatly …

The theory of electron-molecule collisions

NF Lane - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1980‏ - APS
The current state of the theory and its application to low-energy electron-molecule collisions
is reviewed. The emphasis is on elastic scattering and vibrational and rotational excitation of …

[ספר][B] Electron—Molecule Interactions and Their Applications: Volume 2

LG Christophorou - 2013‏ - books.google.com
Electron-Molecule Interactions and Their Applications, Volume 2 provides a balanced and
comprehensive account of electron-molecule interactions in dilute and dense gases and …

One century of experiments on electron-atom and molecule scattering: A critical review of integral cross-sections: I.—Atoms and diatomic molecules

A Zecca, GP Karwasz, RS Brusa - La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1978 …, 1996‏ - Springer
1" 1. Foreword.-First experiments on electron interaction with gases started soon after the
discovery of this elementary particle. One hundred years ago, Lenard (1894, 1895, 1903) …

Exchange in low-energy electron-molecule scattering: Free-electron-gas model exchange potentials and applications to - and - collisions

MA Morrison, LA Collins - Physical Review A, 1978‏ - APS
Calculations of cross sections for elastic eN 2 collisions have been performed for impact
energies from 0.01 to 1.0 Ry using model exchange potentials based on a free-electron-gas …

A critical evaluation of low-energy electron impact cross sections for plasma processing modeling. I: Cl2, F2, and HCl

WL Morgan - Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 1992‏ - Springer
The available information on low-energy electron impact cross sections for Cl 2, F 2, and
HCAl is reviewed and critically evaluated. Of interest are the cross sections for momentum …

Theory of vibrational excitation and dissociative attachment: an R-matrix approach

M LeDourneuf, BI Schneider… - Journal of Physics B …, 1979‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The R-matrix method for electron scattering by diatomic molecules, developed in the
authors' earlier papers, is extended to describe vibrational excitation and dissociative …

Low-energy electron-molecule scattering: Application of coupled-channel theory to -C collisions

MA Morrison, NF Lane, LA Collins - Physical Review A, 1977‏ - APS
A theoretical coupled-channels investigation of eC O 2 scattering is reported for incident
electron energies from 0.07 to 10.0 eV. The fixed-nuclei approximation is made with the …

Calculation of electron swarm parameters in fluorine

M Hayashi, T Nimura - Journal of applied physics, 1983‏ - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Swarm parameters of electrons have been calculated for fluorine by a Monte Carlo
simulation and the Boltzmann equation method for the first time. Values of these parameters …

Dissociative attachment of halogen molecules by 0–8 eV electrons

WC Tam, SF Wong - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1978‏ - pubs.aip.org
Dissociative attachment of I2, Br2, Cl2, and F2 have been studied with an electron impact
mass spectrometer. In the energy range 0–8 eV the formation of I−, Br−, and Cl− all show a …