Shop** facility assistance systems, devices and methods

MD Atchley, DR High, DC Winkle - US Patent 10,130,232, 2018‏ - Google Patents
System, apparatuses, and methods for bringing a shop** container to a customer in a
shop** space are provided. A system for bringing a shop** container to a customer in a …

Multilevel semiconductor device and structure with memory

Z Or-Bach, JW Han - US Patent 10,515,981, 2019‏ - Google Patents
US10515981B2 - Multilevel semiconductor device and structure with memory - Google
Patents US10515981B2 - Multilevel semiconductor device and structure with memory …

Systems, devices, and methods for providing passenger transport

DR High, EE Welch, MD Atchley… - US Patent 10,071,891, 2018‏ - Google Patents
US10071891B2 - Systems, devices, and methods for providing passenger transport - Google
Patents US10071891B2 - Systems, devices, and methods for providing passenger transport …

Systems, devices and methods of controlling motorized transport units in fulfilling product orders

DR High, S Chakrobartty, DC Winkle… - US Patent …, 2018‏ - Google Patents
Related US Application Data on Mar. 6, 2015, provisional application No. 62/138, 877, filed
on Mar. 26, 2015, provisional application No. 62/138,885, filed on Mar. 26, 2015, provisional …

Shop** facility assistance object detection systems, devices and methods

DR High, MD Atchley, K Kay, RC Taylor… - US Patent …, 2017‏ - Google Patents
US9801517B2 - Shop** facility assistance object detection systems, devices and
methods - Google Patents US9801517B2 - Shop** facility assistance object detection …

Apparatus and method of monitoring product placement within a shop** facility

DR High, S Chakrobartty, RC Taylor - US Patent 10,239,738, 2019‏ - Google Patents
Methods and apparatuses are provided for use in monitoring product placement within a
shop** facility. Some embodi ments provide an apparatus configured to determine …

Shop** facility assistance systems, devices and methods

DR High, MD Atchley, S Chakrobartty, K Kay… - US Patent …, 2019‏ - Google Patents
Apparatuses, components and methods are provided herein useful to provide assistance to
customers and/or workers in a shop** facility. In some embodiments, a shop** facility …

Trash can monitoring systems and methods

DR High, S Chakrobartty, DC Winkle… - US Patent …, 2019‏ - Google Patents
2017-03-06 Assigned to WAL-MART STORES, INC. reassignment WAL-MART STORES,

Shop** space route guidance systems, devices and methods

RC Taylor, DR High, MD Atchley… - US Patent 10,435,279, 2019‏ - Google Patents
System, method, and apparatus for providing route guidance to a customer in a shop**
facility space are provided. A system for providing route guidance comprises a commu …

Integrated circuit device and structure

Z Or-Bach, DC Sekar, B Cronquist - US Patent 9,099,526, 2015‏ - Google Patents
US9099526B2 - Integrated circuit device and structure - Google Patents US9099526B2 -
Integrated circuit device and structure - Google Patents Integrated circuit device and structure …