Cilia-The sensory antennae in the eye
H May-Simera, K Nagel-Wolfrum, U Wolfrum - Progress in retinal and eye …, 2017 - Elsevier
Cilia are hair-like projections found on almost all cells in the human body. Originally
believed to function merely in motility, the function of solitary non-motile (primary) cilia was …
believed to function merely in motility, the function of solitary non-motile (primary) cilia was …
Rhodopsin oligomerization and aggregation
PSH Park - The Journal of membrane biology, 2019 - Springer
Rhodopsin is the light receptor in photoreceptor cells of the retina and a prototypical G
protein-coupled receptor. Two types of quaternary structures can be adopted by rhodopsin. If …
protein-coupled receptor. Two types of quaternary structures can be adopted by rhodopsin. If …
Evolution and expression of the phosphodiesterase 6 genes unveils vertebrate novelty to control photosensitivity
D Lagman, IE Franzén, J Eggert, D Larhammar… - BMC Evolutionary …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Background Phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) is a protein complex that hydrolyses
cGMP and acts as the effector of the vertebrate phototransduction cascade. The PDE6 …
cGMP and acts as the effector of the vertebrate phototransduction cascade. The PDE6 …
Light regulation of rhodopsin distribution during outer segment renewal in murine rod photoreceptors
K Rose, N Chen, A Andreev, J Chen, VJ Kefalov… - Current Biology, 2024 -
Vision under dim light relies on primary cilia elaborated by rod photoreceptors in the retina.
This specialized sensory structure, called the rod outer segment (ROS), comprises hundreds …
This specialized sensory structure, called the rod outer segment (ROS), comprises hundreds …
[HTML][HTML] Nanodomain organization of rhodopsin in native human and murine rod outer segment disc membranes
AM Whited, PSH Park - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) …, 2015 - Elsevier
Biological membranes display distinct domains that organize membrane proteins and
signaling molecules to facilitate efficient and reliable signaling. The organization of …
signaling molecules to facilitate efficient and reliable signaling. The organization of …
Light regulates the ciliary protein transport and outer segment disc renewal of mammalian photoreceptors
YC Hsu, JZ Chuang, CH Sung - Developmental cell, 2015 -
The outer segment (OS) of the rod photoreceptor is a light-sensing cilium containing∼ 1,000
membrane-bound discs. Each day, discs constituting the distal tenth of the OS are shed …
membrane-bound discs. Each day, discs constituting the distal tenth of the OS are shed …
[HTML][HTML] Adaptations in rod outer segment disc membranes in response to environmental lighting conditions
The light-sensing rod photoreceptor cell exhibits several adaptations in response to the
lighting environment. While adaptations to short-term changes in lighting conditions have …
lighting environment. While adaptations to short-term changes in lighting conditions have …
Genetic deletion of zebrafish Rab28 causes defective outer segment shedding, but not retinal degeneration
SP Carter, AL Moran, D Matallanas… - Frontiers in Cell and …, 2020 -
The photoreceptor outer segment is the canonical example of a modified and highly
specialized cilium, with an expanded membrane surface area in the form of disks or …
specialized cilium, with an expanded membrane surface area in the form of disks or …
Retrograde intraciliary trafficking of opsin during the maintenance of cone‐shaped photoreceptor outer segments of Xenopus laevis
G Tian, KH Lodowski, R Lee… - Journal of Comparative …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Photoreceptor outer segments (OSs) are essential for our visual perception, and take either
rod or cone forms. The cell biological basis for the formation of rods is well established; …
rod or cone forms. The cell biological basis for the formation of rods is well established; …
Zebrafish transgenic constructs label specific neurons in Xenopus laevis spinal cord and identify frog V0v spinal neurons
JL Juárez‐Morales… - Developmental …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT A correctly functioning spinal cord is crucial for locomotion and communication
between body and brain but there are fundamental gaps in our knowledge of how spinal …
between body and brain but there are fundamental gaps in our knowledge of how spinal …