Fitness functions in evolutionary robotics: A survey and analysis
This paper surveys fitness functions used in the field of evolutionary robotics (ER).
Evolutionary robotics is a field of research that applies artificial evolution to generate control …
Evolutionary robotics is a field of research that applies artificial evolution to generate control …
Interactive imitation learning in robotics: A survey
Interactive Imitation Learning in Robotics: A Survey Page 1 Interactive Imitation Learning in
Robotics: A Survey Page 2 Other titles in Foundations and Trends® in Robotics A Survey on …
Robotics: A Survey Page 2 Other titles in Foundations and Trends® in Robotics A Survey on …
Beyond black-box optimization: a review of selective pressures for evolutionary robotics
Evolutionary robotics (ER) is often viewed as the application of a family of black-box
optimization algorithms—evolutionary algorithms—to the design of robots, or parts of robots …
optimization algorithms—evolutionary algorithms—to the design of robots, or parts of robots …
Interactive evolutionary computation: Fusion of the capabilities of EC optimization and human evaluation
H Takagi - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We survey the research on interactive evolutionary computation (IEC). The IEC is an EC that
optimizes systems based on subjective human evaluation. The definition and features of the …
optimizes systems based on subjective human evaluation. The definition and features of the …
Evolutionary neurocontrollers for autonomous mobile robots
In this article we describe a methodology for evolving neurocontrollers of autonomous
mobile robots without human intervention. The presentation, which spans from technological …
mobile robots without human intervention. The presentation, which spans from technological …
Robots in the classroom-tools for accessible education
C Bühler, H Knops - Assistive technology on the threshold of the …, 1999 - books.google.com
In this paper we describe some of the current and envisaged uses of this broad collection of
technologies referred to as robots, within education. This is firstly from the general …
technologies referred to as robots, within education. This is firstly from the general …
[КНИГА][B] Models for evolutionary algorithms and their applications in system identification and control optimization
RK Ursem - 2003 - Citeseer
In recent years, optimization algorithms have received increasing attention by the research
community as well as the industry. In the area of evolutionary computation (EC), inspiration …
community as well as the industry. In the area of evolutionary computation (EC), inspiration …
Maze exploration behaviors using an integrated evolutionary robotics environment
This paper presents results generated with a new evolutionary robotics (ER) simulation
environment and its complementary real mobile robot colony research test-bed. Neural …
environment and its complementary real mobile robot colony research test-bed. Neural …
Robocup jr. with lego mindstorms
During RoboCup'99 in Stockholm, we arranged the first RoboCup Jr. Here, the aim was to
allow children hands-on experience with robotics, and for this purpose we set up a LEGO …
allow children hands-on experience with robotics, and for this purpose we set up a LEGO …
A methodical interpretation of adaptive robotics: Study and reformulation
The recent development of industrial manufacturing and social services has witnessed a
significant trend of automation and intelligentization due to the wide application of robots …
significant trend of automation and intelligentization due to the wide application of robots …