[HTML][HTML] Syntax through the looking glass: A review on two-word linguistic processing across behavioral, neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies
In recent years a growing number of studies on syntactic processing has employed basic
two-word constructions (eg,“the tree”) to characterize the fundamental aspects of linguistic …
two-word constructions (eg,“the tree”) to characterize the fundamental aspects of linguistic …
[SÁCH][B] Handbook of natural language processing
N Indurkhya, FJ Damerau - 2010 - taylorfrancis.com
The Handbook of Natural Language Processing, Second Edition presents practical tools
and techniques for implementing natural language processing in computer systems. Along …
and techniques for implementing natural language processing in computer systems. Along …
The independence of syntactic processing in Mandarin: Evidence from structural priming
Although it is generally accepted that syntactic information is processed independently of
semantic information in languages such as English, there is less agreement about whether …
semantic information in languages such as English, there is less agreement about whether …
[HTML][HTML] Frontotemporal effective connectivity revealed a language-general syntactic network for Mandarin Chinese
Human language is proposed to be hierarchically constructed according to syntactic
information. Studies on languages with overt morphosyntactic markers (eg, German) have …
information. Studies on languages with overt morphosyntactic markers (eg, German) have …
Semantic integration processes at different levels of syntactic hierarchy during sentence comprehension: An ERP study
An event-related potential (ERP) study was conducted to investigate the temporal neural
dynamics of semantic integration processes at different levels of syntactic hierarchy during …
dynamics of semantic integration processes at different levels of syntactic hierarchy during …
Semantics does not need a processing license from syntax in reading Chinese.
Two event-related brain potential experiments were conducted to investigate whether there
is a functional primacy of syntactic structure building over semantic processes during …
is a functional primacy of syntactic structure building over semantic processes during …
Syntax does not necessarily precede semantics in sentence processing: ERP evidence from Chinese
Two event-related potential experiments were conducted to examine whether the
processing of syntactic category or syntactic subcategorization frame always needs to …
processing of syntactic category or syntactic subcategorization frame always needs to …
Sentence integration processes: An ERP study of Chinese sentence comprehension with relative clauses
In an event-related potentials (ERPs) study, we examined the comprehension of different
types of Chinese (Mandarin) relative clauses (object vs. subject-extracted) to test the …
types of Chinese (Mandarin) relative clauses (object vs. subject-extracted) to test the …
Semantic and syntactic processing during comprehension: ERP evidence from Chinese QING structure
S Yang, Y Cai, W **, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The basic steps in building up language involve binding words of different categories into a
hierarchical structure. To what extent these steps are universal or differ across languages is …
hierarchical structure. To what extent these steps are universal or differ across languages is …