Unveiling African rainforest composition and vulnerability to global change
Africa is forecasted to experience large and rapid climate change and population growth
during the twenty-first century, which threatens the world's second largest rainforest …
during the twenty-first century, which threatens the world's second largest rainforest …
Cradles and museums of generic plant diversity across tropical Africa
Determining where species diversify (cradles) and persist (museums) over evolutionary time
is fundamental to understanding the distribution of biodiversity and for conservation …
is fundamental to understanding the distribution of biodiversity and for conservation …
Diversification of flowering plants in space and time
The rapid diversification and high species richness of flowering plants is regarded as
'Darwin's second abominable mystery'. Today the global spatiotemporal pattern of plant …
'Darwin's second abominable mystery'. Today the global spatiotemporal pattern of plant …
A deep dive into the ancestral chromosome number and genome size of flowering plants
Chromosome number and genome variation in flowering plants have stimulated growing
speculation about the ancestral chromosome number of angiosperms, but estimates so far …
speculation about the ancestral chromosome number of angiosperms, but estimates so far …
Climate shapes the seed germination niche of temperate flowering plants: a meta-analysis of European seed conservation data
Abstract Background and Aims Interactions between ecological factors and seed
physiological responses during the establishment phase shape the distribution of plants …
physiological responses during the establishment phase shape the distribution of plants …
Recent progress on methods for estimating and updating large phylogenies
With the increased availability of sequence data and even of fully sequenced and
assembled genomes, phylogeny estimation of very large trees (even of hundreds of …
assembled genomes, phylogeny estimation of very large trees (even of hundreds of …
The enigmatic tropical alpine flora on the African sky islands is young, disturbed, and unsaturated
Tropical alpine floras are renowned for high endemism, spectacular giant rosette plants
testifying to convergent adaptation to harsh climates with nightly frosts, and recruitment …
testifying to convergent adaptation to harsh climates with nightly frosts, and recruitment …
An updated infra‐familial classification of Sapindaceae based on targeted enrichment data
S Buerki, MW Callmander… - American Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Premise The economically important, cosmopolitan soapberry family (Sapindaceae)
comprises ca. 1900 species in 144 genera. Since the seminal work of Radlkofer, several …
comprises ca. 1900 species in 144 genera. Since the seminal work of Radlkofer, several …
Polyploidy and high environmental tolerance increase the invasive success of plants
Ploidy level and genome size (GS) could affect the invasive capacity of plants, although
these parameters can be contradictory. While small GS seems to favor dispersion …
these parameters can be contradictory. While small GS seems to favor dispersion …
Robustness of Felsenstein's versus transfer bootstrap supports with respect to taxon sampling
The bootstrap method is based on resampling sequence alignments and re-estimating trees.
Felsenstein's bootstrap proportions (FBP) are the most common approach to assess the …
Felsenstein's bootstrap proportions (FBP) are the most common approach to assess the …