Scientific workflows for computational reproducibility in the life sciences: Status, challenges and opportunities

S Cohen-Boulakia, K Belhajjame, O Collin… - Future Generation …, 2017 - Elsevier
With the development of new experimental technologies, biologists are faced with an
avalanche of data to be computationally analyzed for scientific advancements and …

Expasy, the Swiss Bioinformatics Resource Portal, as designed by its users

S Duvaud, C Gabella, F Lisacek… - Nucleic acids …, 2021 -
Abstract The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (https://www. sib. swiss) creates, maintains
and disseminates a portfolio of reliable and state-of-the-art bioinformatics services and …

UCSF ChimeraX: Structure visualization for researchers, educators, and developers

EF Pettersen, TD Goddard, CC Huang… - Protein …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
UCSF ChimeraX is the next‐generation interactive visualization program from the Resource
for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics (RBVI), following UCSF Chimera. ChimeraX …

UCSF ChimeraX: Meeting modern challenges in visualization and analysis

TD Goddard, CC Huang, EC Meng… - Protein …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
UCSF ChimeraX is next‐generation software for the visualization and analysis of molecular
structures, density maps, 3D microscopy, and associated data. It addresses challenges in …

Develo** and reusing bioinformatics data analysis pipelines using scientific workflow systems

M Djaffardjy, G Marchment, C Sebe, R Blanchet… - Computational and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Data analysis pipelines are now established as an effective means for specifying and
executing bioinformatics data analysis and experiments. While scripting languages …

Analysis tool web services from the EMBL-EBI

H McWilliam, W Li, M Uludag, S Squizzato… - Nucleic acids …, 2013 -
Abstract Since 2004 the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) has provided access
to a wide range of databases and analysis tools via Web Services interfaces. This comprises …

HMMER web server: interactive sequence similarity searching

RD Finn, J Clements, SR Eddy - Nucleic acids research, 2011 -
HMMER is a software suite for protein sequence similarity searches using probabilistic
methods. Previously, HMMER has mainly been available only as a computationally …

The Taverna workflow suite: designing and executing workflows of Web Services on the desktop, web or in the cloud

K Wolstencroft, R Haines, D Fellows… - Nucleic acids …, 2013 -
The Taverna workflow tool suite (http://www. taverna. org. uk) is designed to combine
distributed Web Services and/or local tools into complex analysis pipelines. These pipelines …

Protein structure analysis of mutations causing inheritable diseases. An e-Science approach with life scientist friendly interfaces

H Venselaar, TAH Te Beek, RKP Kuipers… - BMC …, 2010 - Springer
Background Many newly detected point mutations are located in protein-coding regions of
the human genome. Knowledge of their effects on the protein's 3D structure provides insight …

Rapid test and non-linear model characterisation of solid-state lithium-ion batteries

S Abu-Sharkh, D Doerffel - Journal of Power sources, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper describes a rapid test-procedure that can be used to derive parameters of a
proposed battery model. The battery model is a non-linear dynamic equivalent circuit model …