mHealth adoption in low-resource environments: a review of the use of mobile healthcare in develo** countries
The acknowledged potential of using mobile phones for improving healthcare in low-
resource environments of develo** countries has yet to translate into significant mHealth …
resource environments of develo** countries has yet to translate into significant mHealth …
Influence of mHealth interventions on gender relations in develo** countries: a systematic literature review
L Jennings, L Gagliardi - International journal for equity in health, 2013 - Springer
Introduction Research has shown that mHealth initiatives, or health programs enhanced by
mobile phone technologies, can foster women's empowerment. Yet, there is growing …
mobile phone technologies, can foster women's empowerment. Yet, there is growing …
[КНИГА][B] After access: Inclusion, development, and a more mobile Internet
J Donner - 2015 - books.google.com
An expert considers the effects of a more mobile Internet on socioeconomic development
and digital inclusion, examining both potentialities and constraints. Almost anyone with a …
and digital inclusion, examining both potentialities and constraints. Almost anyone with a …
[КНИГА][B] The Routledge companion to digital ethnography
As the digital becomes increasingly entwined within everyday life, ethnography's value as a
key methodological and analytical approach to understand the ways in which digital media …
key methodological and analytical approach to understand the ways in which digital media …
Technology-enabled knowledge management for community healthcare workers: The effects of knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding
The objective of this study is to explore different facet (dark and bright sides) of technology-
enabled knowledge management (KM) for rural lay healthcare workers who belong to the …
enabled knowledge management (KM) for rural lay healthcare workers who belong to the …
Migrant mothering and mobile phones: Negotiations of transnational identity
Transnational mothers working in foreign countries face the challenges of providing
“intensive” mothering to their children from a distance, and risk being subject to the …
“intensive” mothering to their children from a distance, and risk being subject to the …
Meaningful mobility: Gender, development and mobile phones
J Tacchi, KR Kitner, K Crawford - Feminist Media Studies, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper we explore development, gender and technology through a focus on mobile
phones and examples of their everyday use by rural women in India. We introduce ways in …
phones and examples of their everyday use by rural women in India. We introduce ways in …
Negotiating women's agency through ICTs: A comparative study of Uganda and India
In the early wave of optimism surrounding “ICTs and development” beginning 2000, much
attention was paid to the potential of ICTs for empowering women. It was suggested that new …
attention was paid to the potential of ICTs for empowering women. It was suggested that new …
The promise and peril of mHealth in develo** countries
A Chib - Mobile Media & Communication, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
The mHealth field understandably arose from a base of practice, developed a nascent, yet
ever-expanding, body of inter-disciplinary scholarship, and currently hopes for recognition …
ever-expanding, body of inter-disciplinary scholarship, and currently hopes for recognition …
E-Health research in Southeast Asia: a bibliometric review
eHealth or digital health innovations expanded tremendously during the COVID-19
pandemic. Innovation and digitalization offer creative solutions to build up a healthy society …
pandemic. Innovation and digitalization offer creative solutions to build up a healthy society …