Unmanned aerial vehicle management

J Speasl, M Patterson, M Roberts - US Patent 10,453,348, 2019 - Google Patents
A base module may be used to receive and house one or more unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) via one or more cavities. The base module receives commands from a man ager …

UAV docking system and method

R Sugumaran - US Patent 9,561,871, 2017 - Google Patents
US9561871B2 - UAV docking system and method - Google Patents US9561871B2 - UAV
docking system and method - Google Patents UAV docking system and method Download PDF …

Unmanned aerial vehicle including a removable parcel carrier

J Gil - US Patent 9,981,745, 2018 - Google Patents
US9981745B2 - Unmanned aerial vehicle including a removable parcel carrier - Google Patents
US9981745B2 - Unmanned aerial vehicle including a removable parcel carrier - Google Patents …

Autonomous ground vehicles based at delivery locations

TM Brady, EZ Evans - US Patent 10,216,188, 2019 - Google Patents
Autonomous ground vehicles (“AGVs") are utilized to retrieve items from transportation
vehicles (eg, delivery trucks) for delivery to specified locations (eg, user resi dences, etc.). In …

Methods of photo matching and photo confirmation for parcel pickup and delivery

J Gil, J Cooper, S Bruckner, J Perez - US Patent 10,730,626, 2020 - Google Patents
2019-10-21 Assigned to UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. reassignment

Multi-use unmanned aerial vehicle docking station

NK Gentry, R Hsieh, LK Nguyen - US Patent 9,527,605, 2016 - Google Patents
Systems and methods for providing a series of multiuse UAV docking stations. The docking
stations can be net worked with a central control and a plurality of UAVs. The docking …

Unmanned aerial delivery system

J Martin - US Patent 10,196,155, 2019 - Google Patents
US10196155B2 - Unmanned aerial delivery system - Google Patents US10196155B2 -
Unmanned aerial delivery system - Google Patents Unmanned aerial delivery system Download …

Methods, systems, and apparatus for multi-sensory stereo vision for robotics

CC Osterwood, DL Strother, DA LaRose - US Patent 10,412,368, 2019 - Google Patents
Embodiments of the present invention include multi-sensory stereo vision sensors suitable
for use in robotics, navigation, machine vision, manufacturing, and other applications. In …

Autonomous ground vehicles providing ordered items in pickup areas

TM Brady, DE Canavor, EZ Evans, PK Mishra… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
US10303171B1 - Autonomous ground vehicles providing ordered items in pickup areas -
Google Patents US10303171B1 - Autonomous ground vehicles providing ordered items in …

Vehicle sensor calibration system

JS Valois, DMA Bradley, AC Watson, PA Melick… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
A vehicle sensor calibration system can detect an SDV on a turntable surrounded by a
plurality of fiducial targets, and rotate the turntable using a control mechanism to provide the …