Time-for-space substitution in N-mixture models for estimating population trends: a simulation-based evaluation

A Costa, S Salvidio, J Penner, M Basile - Scientific Reports, 2021 - nature.com
N-mixture models usually rely on a meta-population design, in which repeated counts of
individuals in multiple sampling locations are obtained over time. The time-for-space …

Comparing minimum number of individuals and abundance from non-invasive DNA sampling and camera trap** in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

S Martin-Garcia, M Cortazar-Chinarro… - Biodiversity and …, 2023 - Springer
Applying the most appropriate sampling method is essential for estimating population size.
Sampling methods and techniques to estimate abundance may be limited by environmental …

[PDF][PDF] Responses to pest control in Nelson beech forests.

KR Whitau - 2017 - ir.canterbury.ac.nz
Being responsible for some of the greatest losses to native biodiversity in New Zealand,
brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), stoats (Mustela erminea) and ship rats (Rattus …

Territory size and population density of the Serra Antwren (Formicivora serrana littoralis) in the sandy coastal plains of the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil

FG Chaves, MB Vecchi, CF Kenup, MAS Alves - Annales Zoologici Fennici, 2019 - BioOne
Territory size is affected by distribution of resources, density of potential competitors, body
size of the territory holder and its ability to detect intruders. During four consecutive years …

Morphological Variation in the Martinican Subspecies White-Breasted Thrasher (Ramphocinclus brachyurus brachyurus)

SP Son, T Alexandrine, S Motreuil, D Imbert… - Open Journal of Animal …, 2021 - hal.science
The White-breasted Thrasher (Ramphocinclus brachyurus) is the smallest passerine bird in
the Mimids family. Ranked as" endangered" in the IUCN list, the demographic distribution of …

Écologie et conservation d'une espèce endémique à la Martinique, le Moqueur gorge-blanche (Ramphocinclus brachyurus brachyurus).

S Son - 2020 - hal.science
Le Moqueur gorge-blanche (Ramphocinclus brachyurus) est le plus petit passereau de la
famille des Mimidés (Pinchon 1976). Espèce classée sur la liste rouge de l'Union …

[CITARE][C] Develo** a monitoring program for Dusky Grouse in Montana

E Leipold - 2023 - Thesis. Montana State University …