Impact of “the blob” and “El Niño” in the SW Baja California Peninsula: plankton and environmental variability of Bahia Magdalena

MC Jiménez-Quiroz, R Cervantes-Duarte… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2019 -
Bahia Magdalena is a coastal lagoon with an enormous biological and fishing wealth; it is
located in the Pacific coast of Baja California (Mexico), a transitional zone between tropical …

Medusozoans (Cnidaria) from the Mexican Pacific: a review based on historical literature and recent observations

MC Estrada-González, J Agüero… - Journal of Natural …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Medusozoans are diverse in species number (4100) and life stages and are of ecological
and social importance worldwide. However, studies of medusozoans in the Mexican Pacific …

Copepod species assemblage and carbon biomass during two anomalous warm periods of distinct origin during 2014–2015 in the southern Gulf of California

JR Beltrán-Castro, S Hernández-Trujillo… - Continental Shelf …, 2020 - Elsevier
Copepod species assemblage and biomass were studied during a weekly time series done
during an anomalously warm and low sea surface Chlorophyll-a concentration period 2014 …

[PDF][PDF] Estructura comunitaria del zooplancton en dos localidades del golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela

BJ Márquez-Rojas, L Troccoli… - Boletín del Instituto …, 2011 -
Se evaluó la biomasa, densidad y composición zooplanctónica del golfo de Cariaco de
mayo de 2003 a marzo de 2004. Las muestras fueron colectadas con una red tipo Bongo …

Composición y abundancia del zooplancton en la laguna El Morro, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela

W Villalba, B Marquez-Rojas, L Troccoli… - Revista peruana de …, 2017 -
Se analizó la composición y abundancia del zooplancton de la laguna El Morro en la isla de
Margarita, Venezuela, durante el periodo de surgencia (marzo-mayo 2011) y de relajación …

Differences in the impact of intense ENSO+ in Bahia Magdalena (SW of Baja California, Mexico) in the context of climate change

M del Carmen Jiménez-Quiroz… - Regional Studies in …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Bahia Magdalena-Bahia Almejas (BM-BA) complex is the largest coastal
lagoon system in the Mexican Pacific; it is in a transitional zone between temperate and …

[HTML][HTML] Community structure of coral reef zooplankton in Isla del Coco National Park, a natural World Heritage site in the Eastern Tropical Pacific

O Esquivel-Garrote, Á Morales-Ramírez - Revista de Biología Tropical, 2020 -
Introduction: Zooplankton is a major link between primary producers and the following
trophic levels, and in coral reefs they represent an energy source for corals and involve …

[PDF][PDF] Copépodos epipelágicos en Bahía Cupica, Pacífico colombiano: composición de especies, distribución y variación temporal

M Jerez-Guerrero, MI Criales-Hernández… - Revista de Biología …, 2017 -
Los cambios en la composición y abundancia de las especies de copépodos a escala
espacial y temporal, ayudan a comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas y de cómo …

Copepod community structure and functional feeding groups off the Central Mexican Pacific (spring of 2015)

S Cabrera-Núñez, R De Silva-Dávila… - Latin American Journal …, 2023 -
Copepods respond rapidly to ecosystem variability at different spatial-temporal scales as
part of the pelagic ecosystem and marine trophic webs. This work addresses the lack of …

[HTML][HTML] Composition and distribution of the zooplankton community along the west coast of Baja California peninsula and its relationships with the environment …

AN Sarmiento-Lezcano, G Aceves-Medina… - Journal of Marine …, 2024 - Elsevier
The year 2014 is between one of the coldest La Niña events (2011− 2012), and one of the
most intense warming events between (2013–2016) in the California Current System (CCS) …