Impact of “the blob” and “El Niño” in the SW Baja California Peninsula: plankton and environmental variability of Bahia Magdalena
MC Jiménez-Quiroz, R Cervantes-Duarte… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Bahia Magdalena is a coastal lagoon with an enormous biological and fishing wealth; it is
located in the Pacific coast of Baja California (Mexico), a transitional zone between tropical …
located in the Pacific coast of Baja California (Mexico), a transitional zone between tropical …
Medusozoans (Cnidaria) from the Mexican Pacific: a review based on historical literature and recent observations
Medusozoans are diverse in species number (4100) and life stages and are of ecological
and social importance worldwide. However, studies of medusozoans in the Mexican Pacific …
and social importance worldwide. However, studies of medusozoans in the Mexican Pacific …
Copepod species assemblage and carbon biomass during two anomalous warm periods of distinct origin during 2014–2015 in the southern Gulf of California
Copepod species assemblage and biomass were studied during a weekly time series done
during an anomalously warm and low sea surface Chlorophyll-a concentration period 2014 …
during an anomalously warm and low sea surface Chlorophyll-a concentration period 2014 …
[PDF][PDF] Estructura comunitaria del zooplancton en dos localidades del golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela
Se evaluó la biomasa, densidad y composición zooplanctónica del golfo de Cariaco de
mayo de 2003 a marzo de 2004. Las muestras fueron colectadas con una red tipo Bongo …
mayo de 2003 a marzo de 2004. Las muestras fueron colectadas con una red tipo Bongo …
Composición y abundancia del zooplancton en la laguna El Morro, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela
Se analizó la composición y abundancia del zooplancton de la laguna El Morro en la isla de
Margarita, Venezuela, durante el periodo de surgencia (marzo-mayo 2011) y de relajación …
Margarita, Venezuela, durante el periodo de surgencia (marzo-mayo 2011) y de relajación …
Differences in the impact of intense ENSO+ in Bahia Magdalena (SW of Baja California, Mexico) in the context of climate change
M del Carmen Jiménez-Quiroz… - Regional Studies in …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Bahia Magdalena-Bahia Almejas (BM-BA) complex is the largest coastal
lagoon system in the Mexican Pacific; it is in a transitional zone between temperate and …
lagoon system in the Mexican Pacific; it is in a transitional zone between temperate and …
[HTML][HTML] Community structure of coral reef zooplankton in Isla del Coco National Park, a natural World Heritage site in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
Introduction: Zooplankton is a major link between primary producers and the following
trophic levels, and in coral reefs they represent an energy source for corals and involve …
trophic levels, and in coral reefs they represent an energy source for corals and involve …
[PDF][PDF] Copépodos epipelágicos en Bahía Cupica, Pacífico colombiano: composición de especies, distribución y variación temporal
Los cambios en la composición y abundancia de las especies de copépodos a escala
espacial y temporal, ayudan a comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas y de cómo …
espacial y temporal, ayudan a comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas y de cómo …
Copepod community structure and functional feeding groups off the Central Mexican Pacific (spring of 2015)
Copepods respond rapidly to ecosystem variability at different spatial-temporal scales as
part of the pelagic ecosystem and marine trophic webs. This work addresses the lack of …
part of the pelagic ecosystem and marine trophic webs. This work addresses the lack of …
[HTML][HTML] Composition and distribution of the zooplankton community along the west coast of Baja California peninsula and its relationships with the environment …
The year 2014 is between one of the coldest La Niña events (2011− 2012), and one of the
most intense warming events between (2013–2016) in the California Current System (CCS) …
most intense warming events between (2013–2016) in the California Current System (CCS) …