Structural composites for multifunctional applications: Current challenges and future trends
This review paper summarizes the current state-of-art and challenges for the future
developments of fiber-reinforced composites for structural applications with multifunctional …
developments of fiber-reinforced composites for structural applications with multifunctional …
[HTML][HTML] Thin-ply polymer composite materials: A review
The introduction of the spread-tow thin-ply technology enabled the development of
composite plies as thin as 0.020 mm. The availability of composite plies with a broader …
composite plies as thin as 0.020 mm. The availability of composite plies with a broader …
Internally stiffened foam-filled carbon fiber reinforced composite tubes under impact loading for energy absorption applications
Fiber reinforced plastics can absorb energy, in the unlikely event of a crash, on the other
hand, foam improves the structural integrity of the device being filled with. Therefore, foam …
hand, foam improves the structural integrity of the device being filled with. Therefore, foam …
[HTML][HTML] A quasi-static indentation test to elucidate the sequence of damage events in low velocity impacts on composite laminates
Any attempt to achieve composite laminates with improved damage tolerance to low velocity
impacts must depart from the understanding of the sequence of damage mechanisms taking …
impacts must depart from the understanding of the sequence of damage mechanisms taking …
Experimental study of the influence of thickness and ply-stacking sequence on the compression after impact strength of carbon fibre reinforced epoxy laminates
Composite structures are particularly vulnerable to impact which drastically reduces their
residual strength [1–3]. In this work, the influence of laminate thickness, ply-stacking …
residual strength [1–3]. In this work, the influence of laminate thickness, ply-stacking …
Post-impact flexural behavior of carbon-aramid/epoxy hybrid composites
Hybrid polymeric composites are currently used in aerospace structures due to their specific
strength and stiffness as well as larger design space. This paper presents an experimental …
strength and stiffness as well as larger design space. This paper presents an experimental …
On the relationship between failure mechanism and compression after impact (CAI) strength in composites
This work explores the relationship between different failure mechanisms and compression
after impact (CAI) strength through an advanced finite element analysis. A Continuum …
after impact (CAI) strength through an advanced finite element analysis. A Continuum …
Damage resistance of carbon fibre reinforced epoxy laminates subjected to low velocity impact: Effects of laminate thickness and ply-stacking sequence
A major concern affecting the efficient use of composite laminates is the effect of low velocity
impact damage on the structural integrity [1–3]. The aim of this study is to characterize and …
impact damage on the structural integrity [1–3]. The aim of this study is to characterize and …
[HTML][HTML] Damage sequence in thin-ply composite laminates under out-of-plane loading
The study of the damage sequence in polymer-based composite laminates during an impact
event is a difficult issue. The problem can be more complex when the plies are thin. In this …
event is a difficult issue. The problem can be more complex when the plies are thin. In this …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of ply thickness and ply level hybridization on the compression after impact strength of thin laminates
There is a lack of research available on how thin laminates respond to impact and post
impact loads, even though thin structures are used in present-day aircrafts. This …
impact loads, even though thin structures are used in present-day aircrafts. This …