Brand attachment: a review and future research

AS Shimul - Journal of brand management, 2022 - Springer
This paper conducts an integrative review and provides a synthesisation of key themes in
the brand attachment literature. A total of 171 papers were selected and analysed using a …

Antecedents and consequences of brand attachment: A literature review and research agenda

J Hemsley‐Brown - International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Consumers develop powerful connections with brands and they feel a strong bond or
attachment to favourite brands that can lead to re‐purchase behaviour, reduced price …

[HTML][HTML] Does destination nostalgic advertising enhance tourists' intentions to visit? The moderating role of destination type

L Su, C Ye, Y Huang - Tourism Management, 2024 - Elsevier
This study investigates the impact of nostalgic advertising and perceived destination types
on tourists using four experiments. Study 1a and Study 1b revealed that destination …

An analysis of data quality: Professional panels, student subject pools, and Amazon's Mechanical Turk

J Kees, C Berry, S Burton, K Sheehan - Journal of advertising, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Data collection using Internet-based samples has become increasingly popular in many
social science disciplines, including advertising. This research examines whether one …

The influence of place attachment, ad-evoked positive affect, and motivation on intention to visit: Imagination proclivity as a moderator

S Hosany, D Buzova… - Journal of Travel …, 2020 -
Integrating the theoretical foundations of symbolic interactionism, parasocial interaction,
direct affect transfer, push and pull motivational framework, and narrative transportation, this …

Guilt and shame: Environmental message framing effects

TH Baek, S Yoon - Journal of Advertising, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The authors examine how two negative emotions—guilt and shame—influence responses to
environmental ad messages framed as gains or losses. In Study 1, participants primed with …

[KNIHA][B] Nostalgia: A psychological resource

C Routledge - 2015 -
Nostalgia is a topic that most lay people are familiar with, but, until recently, few social
scientists understood. Once viewed as a disease, nostalgia is now considered to be an …

Nostalgia: A review, propositions, and future research agenda

E Srivastava, B Sivakumaran… - Journal of …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This article presents a systematic review of the nostalgia literature (205 articles) using
PRISMA protocols. It dwells on three questions: What do we know about nostalgia? What do …

The effects of brand attachment on behavioral loyalty in the luxury restaurant sector

N Bahri-Ammari, M Van Niekerk… - International Journal of …, 2016 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between satisfaction,
congruence, nostalgic connections and trust with reference to brand attachment and …

Exploring player behavior and motivations to continue playing Pokémon GO

E Ghazali, DS Mutum, MY Woon - Information Technology & People, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the determinants of players' continuance
intentions to play Pokémon GO (PG) and ultimately make in-app purchases, mainly from the …