Evolution of non-terrestrial networks from 5G to 6G: A survey
Non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) traditionally have certain limited applications. However, the
recent technological advancements and manufacturing cost reduction opened up myriad …
recent technological advancements and manufacturing cost reduction opened up myriad …
Integrated satellite-terrestrial networks toward 6G: Architectures, applications, and challenges
With the increasing global communication demands and the development of Internet of
Things (IoT), extending the connectivity to rural and remote areas has become imperative for …
Things (IoT), extending the connectivity to rural and remote areas has become imperative for …
A survey on nongeostationary satellite systems: The communication perspective
The next phase of satellite technology is being characterized by a new evolution in non-
geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellites, which conveys exciting new communication …
geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellites, which conveys exciting new communication …
Communications in the 6G era
The focus of wireless research is increasingly shifting toward 6G as 5G deployments get
underway. At this juncture, it is essential to establish a vision of future communications to …
underway. At this juncture, it is essential to establish a vision of future communications to …
MIMO satellite communication systems: A survey from the PHY layer perspective
The satellite communications (SatCom) system is a representative technology for global
coverage and seamless communications in next-generation communication systems. This …
coverage and seamless communications in next-generation communication systems. This …
Edge-assisted multi-layer offloading optimization of LEO satellite-terrestrial integrated networks
Sixth-Generation (6G) technologies will revolutionize the wireless ecosystem by enabling
the delivery of futuristic services through satellite-terrestrial integrated networks (STINs). As …
the delivery of futuristic services through satellite-terrestrial integrated networks (STINs). As …
Energy-efficient multiaccess edge computing for terrestrial-satellite Internet of Things
The recent advances in low earth orbit (LEO) satellites enable the satellites to provide task
processing capability for remote Internet-of-Things (IoT) mobile devices (IMDs) without …
processing capability for remote Internet-of-Things (IoT) mobile devices (IMDs) without …
5G embraces satellites for 6G ubiquitous IoT: Basic models for integrated satellite terrestrial networks
Terrestrial communication networks mainly focus on users in urban areas but have poor
coverage performance in harsh environments, such as mountains, deserts, and oceans …
coverage performance in harsh environments, such as mountains, deserts, and oceans …
A survey on resource management in joint communication and computing-embedded SAGIN
The advent of the 6G era aims for ubiquitous connectivity, with the integration of non-
terrestrial networks (NTN) offering extensive coverage and enhanced capacity. As …
terrestrial networks (NTN) offering extensive coverage and enhanced capacity. As …
Ultra-dense LEO: Integration of satellite access networks into 5G and beyond
To support the explosive growth of wireless devices and applications, various access
techniques need to be developed for future wireless systems to provide reliable data …
techniques need to be developed for future wireless systems to provide reliable data …