COVID-19 is also a reallocation shock

JM Barrero, N Bloom, SJ Davis - 2020‏ -
Drawing on firm-level expectations at a one-year forecast horizon in the Survey of Business
Uncertainty (SBU), we construct novel, forward-looking reallocation measures for jobs and …

[ספר][B] Прекариат: от протокласса к новому классу

ЖТ Тощенко - 2018‏ -
В монографии члена-корреспондента РАН ЖТ Тощенко обосновывается появление
нового социального класса—прекариата, дается объяснение причин его …

Recessions and the cost of job loss

SJ Davis, TM Von Wachter - 2011‏ -
We develop new evidence on the cumulative earnings losses associated with job
displacement, drawing on longitudinal Social Security records for US workers from 1974 to …

The impact of uncertainty shocks

N Bloom - econometrica, 2009‏ - Wiley Online Library
Uncertainty appears to jump up after major shocks like the Cuban Missile crisis, the
assassination of JFK, the OPEC I oil‐price shock, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This paper …

Labor market dynamics and development

K Donovan, WJ Lu, T Schoellman - The Quarterly Journal of …, 2023‏ -
We provide new evidence on how labor market dynamics vary with development. We build a
new data set consisting of harmonized microdata from rotating panel labor force surveys …

Reallocation in the great recession: cleansing or not?

L Foster, C Grim, J Haltiwanger - Journal of Labor …, 2016‏ -
The high pace of reallocation across producers is pervasive in the US economy. Evidence
shows that this high pace of reallocation is closely linked to productivity. While these …

The transitional costs of sectoral reallocation: Evidence from the clean air act and the workforce

WR Walker - The Quarterly journal of economics, 2013‏ -
This article uses linked worker-firm data in the United States to estimate the transitional costs
associated with reallocating workers from newly regulated industries to other sectors of the …

Reassessing the ins and outs of unemployment

R Shimer - Review of Economic Dynamics, 2012‏ - Elsevier
This paper uses readily accessible aggregate time series to measure the probability that an
employed worker becomes unemployed and the probability that an unemployed worker …

Threats and opportunities in the digital era: automation spikes and employment dynamics

G Domini, M Grazzi, D Moschella, T Treibich - Research Policy, 2021‏ - Elsevier
This paper investigates the change in worker flows (ie net growth, but also hiring and
separation rates) around an investment in automation-intensive goods and, within firms …

Firms, destinations, and aggregate fluctuations

J Di Giovanni, AA Levchenko, I Mejean - Econometrica, 2014‏ - Wiley Online Library
This paper uses a data base covering the universe of French firms for the period 1990–2007
to provide a forensic account of the role of individual firms in generating aggregate …