Half a century of high-latitude fisheries oceanography research on the “recruitment problem” in Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua)
Predicting recruitment in a reliable fashion is a great challenge within operational fisheries
advice. Here, we consulted the unique but undercommunicated IMR Cod Larva Project …
advice. Here, we consulted the unique but undercommunicated IMR Cod Larva Project …
Latitudinally distinct stocks of Atlantic cod face fundamentally different biophysical challenges under on‐going climate change
The reproductive success of marine ectotherms is especially vulnerable in warming oceans
due to alterations in adult physiology, as well as embryonic and larval survival prospects …
due to alterations in adult physiology, as well as embryonic and larval survival prospects …
Geographic distribution, abundance, diet, and body size of invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Norwegian and Barents Seas, and in Norwegian …
We report for the first time the geographic distribution, abundance, diet, and body size of
invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Norwegian and Barents Seas and …
invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Norwegian and Barents Seas and …
Marine mammal consumption and fisheries removals in the Nordic and Barents Seas
In this study, we assess prey consumption by the marine mammal community in the
northeast Atlantic [including 21 taxa, across three regions:(I) the Icelandic shelf, Denmark …
northeast Atlantic [including 21 taxa, across three regions:(I) the Icelandic shelf, Denmark …
Age structure affects population productivity in an exploited fish species
Long‐term changes in the age and size structure of animal populations are well
documented, yet their impacts on population productivity are poorly understood. Fishery …
documented, yet their impacts on population productivity are poorly understood. Fishery …
Still Arctic?—the changing Barents Sea
The Barents Sea is one of the Polar regions where current climate and ecosystem change is
most pronounced. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the physical, chemical …
most pronounced. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the physical, chemical …
Considerations for management strategy evaluation for small pelagic fishes
Management strategy evaluation (MSE) is the state‐of‐the‐art approach for testing and
comparing management strategies in a way that accounts for multiple sources of uncertainty …
comparing management strategies in a way that accounts for multiple sources of uncertainty …
Growth portfolios buffer climate‐linked environmental change in marine systems
Large‐scale, climate‐induced synchrony in the productivity of fish populations is becoming
more pronounced in the world's oceans. As synchrony increases, a population's “portfolio” of …
more pronounced in the world's oceans. As synchrony increases, a population's “portfolio” of …
Overexploitation, recovery, and warming of the Barents Sea ecosystem during 1950–2013
The Barents Sea (BS) is a high-latitude shelf ecosystem with important fisheries, high and
historically variable harvesting pressure, and ongoing high variability in climatic conditions …
historically variable harvesting pressure, and ongoing high variability in climatic conditions …
Movement diversity and partial sympatry of coastal and Northeast Arctic cod ecotypes at high latitudes
Movement diversity within species represent an important but often neglected, component of
biodiversity that affects ecological and genetic interactions, as well as the productivity of …
biodiversity that affects ecological and genetic interactions, as well as the productivity of …