Distinct features of atmospheric rivers in the early versus late East Asian summer monsoon and their impacts on monsoon rainfall
Atmospheric river (AR) and its impact on monsoon rainfall in East Asia are investigated by
considering their month‐to‐month variations during the East Asian summer monsoon …
considering their month‐to‐month variations during the East Asian summer monsoon …
Land–atmosphere interaction over the Indo-China Peninsula during spring and its effect on the following summer climate over the Yangtze River basin
Land–atmosphere interaction plays an important role in regional weather and climate. Using
the soil moisture (SM) data from the Global Land Data Assimilation System V2. 0, the …
the soil moisture (SM) data from the Global Land Data Assimilation System V2. 0, the …
Role of baroclinic trough in triggering vertical motion during summertime heavy rainfall events in Korea
The nature of the vertical motion responsible for the summertime heavy rainfall events
(HREs) in South Korea is quantitatively examined. By compositing 318 HREs from June to …
(HREs) in South Korea is quantitatively examined. By compositing 318 HREs from June to …
Impacts of anomalous midlatitude cyclone activity over East Asia during summer on the decadal mode of East Asian summer monsoon and its possible mechanism
H Chen, F Teng, W Zhang, H Liao - Journal of Climate, 2017 - journals.ametsoc.org
By using an objective identification and tracking algorithm of the cyclone, the statistics of
midlatitude cyclone activity in East Asia during summer for the period 1979–2013 were …
midlatitude cyclone activity in East Asia during summer for the period 1979–2013 were …
Interdecadal change in the effect of spring soil moisture over the Indo-China Peninsula on the following summer precipitation over the Yangtze River basin
C Gao, G Li, H Chen, H Yan - Journal of Climate, 2020 - journals.ametsoc.org
The land surface energy exchange over the Indo-China Peninsula (ICP) is important for
regulating regional weather and climate. This work investigates the effect of spring soil …
regulating regional weather and climate. This work investigates the effect of spring soil …
The intraseasonal oscillation of eastern Tibetan Plateau precipitation in response to the summer Eurasian wave train
This study examines the characteristics and mechanisms associated with the dominant
intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) that controlled eastern Tibetan Plateau summer rainfall …
intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) that controlled eastern Tibetan Plateau summer rainfall …
Breakdown of the summertime meridional teleconnection pattern over the western North Pacific and East Asia since the early 2000s
X Li, R Lu - Journal of Climate, 2020 - journals.ametsoc.org
The meridional teleconnection over the western North Pacific and East Asia (WNP–EA)
plays a predominant role in affecting the interannual variability of East Asian climate in …
plays a predominant role in affecting the interannual variability of East Asian climate in …
Subseasonal change in the seesaw pattern of precipitation between the Yangtze River basin and the tropical western North Pacific during summer
X Li, R Lu - Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2018 - Springer
There is a well-known seesaw pattern of precipitation between the tropical western North
Pacific (WNP) and the Yangtze River basin (YRB) during summer. This study identified that …
Pacific (WNP) and the Yangtze River basin (YRB) during summer. This study identified that …
Atmospheric rivers in East Asia summer as the continuum of extratropical and monsoonal moisture plumes
Abstract East Asian atmospheric rivers (ARs) exhibit the most pronounced activity in summer
with significant impacts on monsoon rainfall. However, their occurrence mechanisms are yet …
with significant impacts on monsoon rainfall. However, their occurrence mechanisms are yet …
Effects of suppressed transient eddies by the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian summer monsoon
It is known that the Tibetan Plateau (TP) can weaken the transient eddies (TEs) transported
along the westerly jet stream. This study investigates the effects of the persistently …
along the westerly jet stream. This study investigates the effects of the persistently …