Ideological and political empowering english teaching: ideological education based on artificial intelligence in classroom emotion recognition
L Zhang - International Journal of Computer Applications in …, 2023 - inderscienceonline.com
Emotions play an important role in human decision-making, interaction and cognition.
Accurately identifying human emotions can provide effective support for human decision …
Accurately identifying human emotions can provide effective support for human decision …
Entity Thematic Similarity Measurement for Personal Explainable Searching Services in the Edge Environment
Currently, search engines are widely used to address the information overload problem.
Different from the existing client-and-sever-based frameworks, edge computing (EC) …
Different from the existing client-and-sever-based frameworks, edge computing (EC) …
Research on the Method of Identifying Students' Online Emotion Based on ALBERT
Y Ren, X Tan - 2021 International Conference on Intelligent …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Text sentiment analysis is a computer-based emotional classification of human language
texts. At present, most text sentiment classification models are based on word vectors, and …
texts. At present, most text sentiment classification models are based on word vectors, and …
张永军, 刘金岭, 于长辉 - 山东大学学报 (工学版), 2012 - gxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
A classification method based on word contribution was proposed to classify spam short
messages. The concept of word contribution was introduced for representing weight …
messages. The concept of word contribution was introduced for representing weight …
Improvement of corpus-based semantic word similarity using vector space model
YE Esin - 2009 - search.proquest.com
This study presents a new approach for finding semantically similar words from corpora
using window based context methods. Previous studies mainly concentrate on either finding …
using window based context methods. Previous studies mainly concentrate on either finding …
[CITÁCIA][C] kNN 算法在手机短信客户端分类中的应用研究
王红, 张燕**, 陈功** - 山东农业大学学报: 自然科学版, 2014
[CITÁCIA][C] 噪声-相位编码复合调制一体化信号设计方法
杨丹丹, 刘以安, 唐霜天, 吴少鹏 - 计算机工程与设计, 2011
[CITÁCIA][C] 基于 CAPTCHA 和 Winnow 算法的垃圾短信过滤研究
王世卿, 张燕丽 - 计算机工程与设计, 2011
[CITÁCIA][C] 浅析改良 K-SVM 算法在邮件分类中的研究应用
夏九将, 吴荣泉, 王敬** - 信息技术, 2015