Open research knowledge graph: next generation infrastructure for semantic scholarly knowledge
Despite improved digital access to scholarly knowledge in recent decades, scholarly
communication remains exclusively document-based. In this form, scholarly knowledge is …
communication remains exclusively document-based. In this form, scholarly knowledge is …
Towards a knowledge graph for science
The document-centric workflows in science have reached (or already exceeded) the limits of
adequacy. This is emphasized by recent discussions on the increasing proliferation of …
adequacy. This is emphasized by recent discussions on the increasing proliferation of …
Generating knowledge graphs by employing natural language processing and machine learning techniques within the scholarly domain
The continuous growth of scientific literature brings innovations and, at the same time, raises
new challenges. One of them is related to the fact that its analysis has become difficult due to …
new challenges. One of them is related to the fact that its analysis has become difficult due to …
Apple leave disease detection using collaborative ml/dl and artificial intelligence methods: Scientometric analysis
Infection in apple leaves is typically brought on by unanticipated weather conditions such as
rain, hailstorms, draughts, and fog. As a direct consequence of this, the farmers suffer a …
rain, hailstorms, draughts, and fog. As a direct consequence of this, the farmers suffer a …
DeepAProt: Deep learning based abiotic stress protein sequence classification and identification tool in cereals
The impact of climate change has been alarming for the crop growth. The extreme weather
conditions can stress the crops and reduce the yield of major crops belonging to Poaceae …
conditions can stress the crops and reduce the yield of major crops belonging to Poaceae …
Towards a knowledge graph representing research findings by semantifying survey articles
Despite significant advances in technology, the way how research is done and especially
communicated has not changed much. We have the vision that ultimately researchers will …
communicated has not changed much. We have the vision that ultimately researchers will …
Question answering on scholarly knowledge graphs
Answering questions on scholarly knowledge comprising text and other artifacts is a vital
part of any research life cycle. Querying scholarly knowledge and retrieving suitable …
part of any research life cycle. Querying scholarly knowledge and retrieving suitable …
Nanopublication-based semantic publishing and reviewing: a field study with formalization papers
With the rapidly increasing amount of scientific literature, it is getting continuously more
difficult for researchers in different disciplines to keep up-to-date with the recent findings in …
difficult for researchers in different disciplines to keep up-to-date with the recent findings in …
NFDI4Ing-the national research data infrastructure for engineering sciences
NFDI4Ing brings together the engineering communities and fosters the management of
engineering research data. The consortium represents engineers from all walks of the …
engineering research data. The consortium represents engineers from all walks of the …
A unified nanopublication model for effective and user-friendly access to the elements of scientific publishing
Scientific publishing is the means by which we communicate and share scientific
knowledge, but this process currently often lacks transparency and machine-interpretable …
knowledge, but this process currently often lacks transparency and machine-interpretable …