Optical properties of porous-system-based nanocomposites

LA Golovan, VY Timoshenko, PK Kashkarov - Physics-Uspekhi, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the optical properties of semiconductor–insulator and insulator–insulator
nanocomposites, including porous materials such as silicon, gallium phosphide, aluminum …

Functionalised porous silicon as a biosensor: emphasis on monitoring cells in vivo and in vitro

B Gupta, Y Zhu, B Guan, PJ Reece, JJ Gooding - Analyst, 2013 - pubs.rsc.org
Porous silicon photonics is the ideal platform for high sensitivity, high selectivity monitoring
of biological molecules in a complex fluidic environment. The potential of this technology …

[КНИГА][B] Silicon nanophotonics: basic principles, present status, and perspectives

L Khriachtchev - 2016 - books.google.com
Photonics is a key technology of this century. The combination of photonics and silicon
technology is of great importance because of the potentiality of coupling electronics and …

Giant birefringence in multi-slotted silicon nanophotonic waveguides

SH Yang, ML Cooper, PR Bandaru, S Mookherjea - Optics Express, 2008 - opg.optica.org
We demonstrate record giant birefringence, nearly twice as large as has previously been
achieved (Δ n group= 1.5 over more than 60 nm of bandwidth near λ= 1550 nm) using a …

Giant birefringence and dichroism induced by ultrafast laser pulses in hydrogenated amorphous silicon

R Drevinskas, M Beresna, M Gecevičius… - Applied Physics …, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
A femto-and picosecond laser assisted periodic nanostructuring of hydrogenated
amorphous silicon (a-Si: H) is demonstrated. The grating structure with the subwavelength …

Epitaxial growth of aligned semiconductor nanowire metamaterials for photonic applications

OL Muskens, SL Diedenhofen… - Advanced Functional …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
A novel class of optical metamaterials is presented consisting of high densities of aligned
gallium phosphide (GaP) nanowires fabricated using metal‐organic vapor phase‐epitaxy …

Giant optical birefringence in ensembles of semiconductor nanowires

OL Muskens, MT Borgström, E Bakkers… - Applied Physics …, 2006 - pubs.aip.org
Giant birefringence is demonstrated in ensembles of randomly grown, vertically aligned
semiconductor nanowires. Bottom-up fabrication of epitaxial semiconductor nanowires …

Anisotropy of optical absorption in birefringent porous silicon

VY Timoshenko, LA Osminkina, AI Efimova… - Physical Review B, 2003 - APS
Strong polarization-sensitive anisotropy of the optical absorption in the visible and infrared
spectral range is observed in porous silicon (PSi) layers formed from bulk (110) Si wafers. It …

Strongly Birefringent Pb3O2Cl2 Nanobelts

MB Sigman, BA Korgel - Journal of the American Chemical …, 2005 - ACS Publications
Orthorhombic Pb3O2Cl2 (mendipite) nanobelts micrometers in length and tens of
nanometers wide were synthesized by a solventless thermolysis of a single-source …

Photonic bandgap materials and birefringent layers based on anisotropically nanostructured silicon

PK Kashkarov, LA Golovan, AB Fedotov… - Journal of the Optical …, 2002 - opg.optica.org
Porous-silicon (PS) based multilayer periodic structures with photonic bandgaps (PBGs) and
PS single layers that have a strong in-plane birefringence are produced by the …