Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules
Advances in attosecond science have led to a wealth of important discoveries in atomic,
molecular, and solid-state physics and are progressively directing their footsteps toward …
molecular, and solid-state physics and are progressively directing their footsteps toward …
Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission
Recent advances in the generation of well-characterized subfemtosecond laser pulses have
opened up unpredicted opportunities for the real-time observation of ultrafast electronic …
opened up unpredicted opportunities for the real-time observation of ultrafast electronic …
Roadmap of ultrafast x-ray atomic and molecular physics
X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) and table-top sources of x-rays based upon high
harmonic generation (HHG) have revolutionized the field of ultrafast x-ray atomic and …
harmonic generation (HHG) have revolutionized the field of ultrafast x-ray atomic and …
The attosecond nonlinear optics of bright coherent X-ray generation
The frequency doubling of laser light was one of the first new phenomena observed
following the invention of the laser over 50 years ago. Since then, the quest to extend …
following the invention of the laser over 50 years ago. Since then, the quest to extend …
High-energy attosecond light sources
The development of attosecond technology is one of the most significant achievements in
the field of ultrafast optics over the past decade. Since the first experimental demonstration …
the field of ultrafast optics over the past decade. Since the first experimental demonstration …
Recent advances in ultrafast X-ray sources
Over more than a century, X-rays have transformed our understanding of the fundamental
structure of matter and have been an indispensable tool for chemistry, physics, biology …
structure of matter and have been an indispensable tool for chemistry, physics, biology …
SYLOS lasers–the frontier of few-cycle, multi-TW, kHz lasers for ultrafast applications at extreme light infrastructure attosecond light pulse source
S Tóth, T Stanislauskas, I Balciunas… - Journal of Physics …, 2020 -
The extreme light infrastructure attosecond light pulse source offers beamtime for users of
various attosecond and particle sources driven by versatile laser systems. Here we report on …
various attosecond and particle sources driven by versatile laser systems. Here we report on …
Characterizing ultrabroadband attosecond lasers
Recent progress in sub-laser-cycle gating of high-order harmonic generation promises to
push the limits on optical pulse durations below the atomic unit of time, 24 as, which …
push the limits on optical pulse durations below the atomic unit of time, 24 as, which …
Attosecond photon sources: the first decade and beyond
Attosecond photon sources: the first decade and beyond [Invited] clickable element to expand
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a topic LOGIN OR CREATE ACCOUNT PRISM SUBMISSION This website uses cookies to …