Harnessing urban analytics and machine learning for sustainable urban development: A multidimensional framework for modeling environmental impacts of …

AI Almulhim, A Al Kafy, MN Ferdous, MA Fattah… - Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Sustainable urban development is crucial for managing natural resources and mitigating
environmental impacts induced by rapid urbanization. This study demonstrates an …

Monitoring soil salinization and waterlogging in the northeastern Nile Delta linked to shallow saline groundwater and irrigation water quality

M Hagage, AM Abdulaziz, SF Elbeih, AGA Hewaidy - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Soil salinization and waterlogging are critical environmental issues affecting agricultural
productivity and cultural heritage preservation, particularly in arid regions. This study …

Urban fragmentation approach for assessing thermal environment dynamics: A case study of semi-arid city from a comfort perspective

S Patle, VV Ghuge - Urban Climate, 2024 - Elsevier
Urbanization is a worldwide multidimensional phenomenon that accelerates anthropogenic
activities and modifies Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) by replacing natural landscapes …

[HTML][HTML] Chlorophyll-a estimation in 149 tropical semi-arid reservoirs using remote sensing data and six machine learning methods

V Oliveira Santos, BMDM Guimarães, IEL Neto… - Remote Sensing, 2024 - mdpi.com
It is crucial to monitor algal blooms in freshwater reservoirs through an examination of
chlorophyll-a (Chla) concentrations, as they indicate the trophic condition of these …

[HTML][HTML] Coastal and landuse changes of Burullus Lake, Egypt: A comparison using Landsat and Sentinel-2 satellite images

E Abd El-sadek, S Elbeih, A Negm - … Journal of Remote Sensing and Space …, 2022 - Elsevier
Monitoring water bodies such as lakes is expensive, but remote sensing made it cost-
effective. The extensive anthropogenic activities negatively impact the water lakes …

[HTML][HTML] Identifying rare earth elements using a tripod and drone-mounted hyperspectral camera: A case study of the Mountain Pass Birthday Stock and Sulphide …

M Qasim, SD Khan, V Sisson, P Greer, L **a, U Okyay… - Remote Sensing, 2024 - mdpi.com
As the 21st century advances, the demand for rare earth elements (REEs) is rising,
necessitating more robust exploration methods. Our research group is using hyperspectral …

[HTML][HTML] Mechanized cover crop farming: Modern methods, equipment and technologies

OK Wofuru-Nyenke - Circular Agricultural Systems, 2023 - maxapress.com
Cover crops are important for covering the soil and fixing nutrients in order to manage soil
erosion and improve soil quality. This paper discusses some of the modern methods …

[HTML][HTML] Improved Method for Estimating Construction Year of Road Bridges by Analyzing Landsat Normalized Difference Water Index 2

B Hamunzala, K Matsumoto, K Nagai - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
The construction year of road bridges plays an important role in bridge management
systems. Based on the age of road bridges and other factors, deterministic and probabilistic …

[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing-based evapotranspiration modeling for urban green spaces: A case study in Vienna

M Obriejetan, T Krexner - Urban Climate, 2024 - Elsevier
Urban green spaces (UGS) play a critical role in enhancing urban livability, moderating
microclimates, and supporting ecological balance. This study models actual …

[KNJIGA][B] Trajnostne Oskrbovalne Verige: Vpliv Organizacijske Kulture in Normativne Zavezanosti na Trajnostne Oskrbovalne Verige iz Logističnega Vidika

S Lazar - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Področje trajnostnega razvoja je dandanes na globalnem nivoju postalo eno izmed najbolj
aktualnih in pomembnih področij za trenutno in vse prihodnje generacije. To potrjujejo …