Plant secondary metabolites as defenses, regulators, and primary metabolites: the blurred functional trichotomy
Plant Secondary Metabolites as Defenses, Regulators, and Primary Metabolites: The Blurred
Functional Trichotomy | Plant Physiology | Oxford Academic Skip to Main Content Advertisement …
Functional Trichotomy | Plant Physiology | Oxford Academic Skip to Main Content Advertisement …
Theories and major hypotheses in ethnobotany
Ethnobotany has evolved from a discipline that largely documented the diversity of plant use
by local people to one focused on understanding how and why people select plants for a …
by local people to one focused on understanding how and why people select plants for a …
How lichens impact on terrestrial community and ecosystem properties
Lichens occur in most terrestrial ecosystems; they are often present as minor contributors,
but in some forests, drylands and tundras they can make up most of the ground layer …
but in some forests, drylands and tundras they can make up most of the ground layer …
Plant secondary metabolites in nectar: impacts on pollinators and ecological functions
The ecological function of secondary metabolites in plant defence against herbivores is well
established, but their role in plant–pollinator interactions is less obvious. Nectar is the major …
established, but their role in plant–pollinator interactions is less obvious. Nectar is the major …
Light regulation of plant defense
CL Ballaré - Annual review of plant biology, 2014 - annualreviews.org
Precise allocation of limited resources between growth and defense is critical for plant
survival. In shade-intolerant species, perception of competition signals by informational …
survival. In shade-intolerant species, perception of competition signals by informational …
The dilemma of plants: to grow or defend
DA Herms, WJ Mattson - The quarterly review of biology, 1992 - journals.uchicago.edu
Physiological and ecological constraints play key roles in the evolution of plant growth
patterns, especially in relation to defenses against herbivores. Phenotypic and life history …
patterns, especially in relation to defenses against herbivores. Phenotypic and life history …
The layers of plant responses to insect herbivores
Plants collectively produce hundreds of thousands of specialized metabolites that are not
required for growth or development. Each species has a qualitatively unique profile, with …
required for growth or development. Each species has a qualitatively unique profile, with …
Resource availability and plant antiherbivore defense
PD Coley, JP Bryant, FS Chapin III - Science, 1985 - science.org
The degree of herbivory and the effectiveness of defenses varies widely among plant
species. Resource availability in the environment is proposed as the major determinant of …
species. Resource availability in the environment is proposed as the major determinant of …
Cyanogenic glycosides: synthesis, physiology, and phenotypic plasticity
Cyanogenic glycosides (CNglcs) are bioactive plant products derived from amino acids.
Structurally, these specialized plant compounds are characterized as α-hydroxynitriles …
Structurally, these specialized plant compounds are characterized as α-hydroxynitriles …
Herbivory in relation to plant nitrogen content
WJ Mattson - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1980 - JSTOR
The nitrogen content of a plant is only one of the many plant characteristics that are vitally
important to herbivores. However, because of its central role in all metabolic processes as …
important to herbivores. However, because of its central role in all metabolic processes as …