Thirty years of research on the level of service scales: a meta-analytic examination of predictive accuracy and sources of variability.

ME Olver, KC Stockdale, JS Wormith - Psychological Assessment, 2014 -
We conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis of the Level of Service (LS) scales, their
predictive accuracy and group-based differences in risk/need, across 128 studies …

Women's risk factors and their contributions to existing risk/needs assessment: The current status of a gender-responsive supplement

P Van Voorhis, EM Wright… - Criminal Justice and …, 2010 -
A growing body of scholarship faults existing risk/needs assessment models for neglecting
the risk factors most relevant to women offenders. In response, a series of gender …

[KÖNYV][B] The psychology of criminal conduct

DA Andrews, J Bonta - 2014 -
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct, Fifth Edition, discusses the psychology of criminal
behavior, drawing upon general personality, as well as cognitive-behavioral and cognitive …

Gendered pathways: A quantitative investigation of women probationers' paths to incarceration

EJ Salisbury, P Van Voorhis - Criminal justice and behavior, 2009 -
Although qualitative research in the area of gender-responsive offending pathways has
grown extensively, little quantitative work has been conducted. This study utilizes interview …

Performance of recidivism risk assessment instruments in US correctional settings

SL Desmarais, KL Johnson… - Handbook of recidivism …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
With the population of adults under correctional supervision in the United States at an all‐
time high, psychologists and other professionals working in US correctional agencies face …

[KÖNYV][B] The assessment and treatment of women offenders: An integrative perspective

K Blanchette, SL Brown - 2006 -
There is a large body of research that provides guidance for those working with offenders on
how they should be treated once they are in the correctional system. The problem is that …

[KÖNYV][B] What works (and doesn't) in reducing recidivism

EJ Latessa, SL Johnson, D Koetzle - 2020 -
What Works (and Doesn't) in Reducing Recidivism offers criminologists and students an
evidence-based discussion of the latest trends in corrections. Experts Latessa, Johnson, and …

[KÖNYV][B] Static 99: Coding rules revised 2003

A Harris, A Phenix, D Thornton, RK Hanson - 2003 -
The STATIC-99 utilizes only static (unchangeable) factors that have been seen in the
literature to correlate with sexual reconviction in adult males. The estimates of sexual and …

Assessing recidivism risk across female pathways to crime

MD Reisig, K Holtfreter, M Morash - Justice Quarterly, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Actuarial tools, such as the Level of Supervision Inventory—Revised (LSI‐R), are regularly
used to classify offenders as “high,”“medium,” and “low” recidivism risks. Its supporters argue …

Can 14,737 women be wrong? A meta‐analysis of the LSI‐R and recidivism for female offenders

P Smith, FT Cullen, EJ Latessa - Criminology & Public Policy, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Research Summary Over the past two decades, researchers have been increasingly
interested in measuring the risk of offender recidivism as a means of advancing public safety …